Goto Section: 101.215 | 101.301 | Table of Contents

FCC 101.217
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  101.217   Station records.

   Each licensee of a station subject to this part shall maintain records
   in accordance with the following:

   (a) For all stations, the results and dates of transmitter measurements
   and the name of the person or persons making the measurements;

   (b) For all stations, when service or maintenance duties are performed,
   which may affect their proper operation, the responsible operator shall
   sign and date an entry in the station record concerned, giving:

   (1) Pertinent details of all transmitter adjustments performed by him
   or under his supervision; and

   (2) His name and address, provided that this information, so long as it
   remains unchanged, is not required to be repeated in the case of a
   person who is regularly employed as operator on a full-time basis at
   the station.

   (c) The records shall be kept in an orderly manner, and in such detail
   that the data required are readily available. Key letters or
   abbreviations may be used if proper meaning or explanation is set forth
   in the record.

   (d) Each entry in the records of each station shall be signed by a
   person qualified to do so, having actual knowledge of the facts to be

   (e) No record or portion thereof shall be erased, obliterated, or
   willfully destroyed within the required retention period. Any necessary
   correction may be made only by the person originating the entry, who
   shall strike out the erroneous portion, initial the correction made and
   indicate the date of correction.

   (f) Records required by this part shall be retained by the licensee for
   a period of at least one year.

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Subpart E--Miscellaneous Common Carrier Provisions

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Goto Section: 101.215 | 101.301

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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