Goto Section: 101.703 | 101.801 | Table of Contents

FCC 101.705
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  101.705   Special showing for renewal of common carrier station facilities
using frequency diversity.

   Any application for renewal of license, for a term commencing January
   1, 1975, or after, involving facilities utilizing frequency diversity
   must contain a statement showing compliance with §  101.103(c) or the
   exceptions recognized in paragraph 141 of the First Report and Order in
   Docket No. 18920 (29 FCC 2d 870). (This document is available at:
   Federal Communications Commission, Library (Room TW-B505), 445 Twelfth
   Street, SW, Washington, DC) If not in compliance, a complete statement
   with the reasons therefore must be submitted.

   [ 64 FR 53242 , Oct. 1, 1999]

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Subpart J--Local Television Transmission Service

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Goto Section: 101.703 | 101.801

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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