Goto Section: 101.815 | 101.819 | Table of Contents

FCC 101.817
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  101.817   Notification of station operation at temporary locations.

   (a) The licensee of stations authorized pursuant to §  101.813 must
   notify the Commission prior to each period of operation. This
   notification must include:

   (1) The call sign, manufacturer's name, type or model number, output
   power and specific location of the transmitter(s);

   (2) The maintenance location for the transmitter;

   (3) The location of the transmitting or receiving station with which it
   will communicate and the identity of the correspondent operating such

   (4) The exact frequency or frequencies to be used;

   (5) The public interest, convenience and necessity to be served by
   operation of the proposed installation;

   (6) The commencement and anticipated termination dates of operation
   from each location. In the event the actual termination date differs
   from the previous notification, written notice thereof promptly must be
   given to the Commission;

   (7) Where the notification contemplates initially a service that is to
   be rendered for a period longer than 90 days, the notification must
   contain a showing as to why application should not be made for regular
   authorization; and

   (8) A notification must include compliance with the provisions of
   §  101.813(c).

   (b) A copy of the notification must be kept with the station license.

   [ 61 FR 26677 , May 28, 1996, as amended at  63 FR 68984  Dec. 14, 1998]

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Goto Section: 101.815 | 101.819

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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