Goto Section: 11.20 | 11.31 | Table of Contents

FCC 11.21
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  11.21   State and Local Area plans and FCC Mapbook.

   EAS plans contain guidelines which must be followed by EAS
   Participants' personnel, emergency officials, and National Weather
   Service (NWS) personnel to activate the EAS. The plans include the EAS
   header codes and messages that will be transmitted by key EAS sources
   (NP, LP, SP and SR). State and local plans contain unique methods of
   EAS message distribution such as the use of the Radio Broadcast Data
   System (RBDS). The plans must be reviewed and approved by the Chief,
   Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau, prior to implementation to
   ensure that they are consistent with national plans, FCC regulations,
   and EAS operation.

   (a) The State EAS Plan contains procedures for State emergency
   management and other State officials, the NWS, and EAS Participants'
   personnel to transmit emergency information to the public during a
   State emergency using the EAS. State EAS Plans should include a data
   table, in computer readable form, clearly showing monitoring
   assignments and the specific primary and backup path for emergency
   action notification (EAN) messages that are formatted in the EAS
   Protocol (specified in §  11.31), from the PEP to each station in the
   plan. If a state's emergency alert system is capable of initiating EAS
   messages formatted in the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP), its State EAS
   Plan must include specific and detailed information describing how such
   messages will be aggregated and distributed to EAS Participants within
   the state, including the monitoring requirements associated with
   distributing such messages.

   (b) The Local Area plan contains procedures for local officials or the
   NWS to transmit emergency information to the public during a local
   emergency using the EAS. Local plans may be a part of the State plan. A
   Local Area is a geographical area of contiguous communities or counties
   that may include more than one state.

   (c) The FCC Mapbook is based on the above plans. It organizes all
   broadcast stations and cable systems according to their State, EAS
   Local Area, and EAS designation.

   [ 72 FR 62134 , Nov. 2, 2007, as amended at  77 FR 16700 , Mar. 22, 2012]

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Subpart B--Equipment Requirements

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Goto Section: 11.20 | 11.31

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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