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FCC 11.56
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  11.56   Obligation to process CAP-formatted EAS messages.

   (a) On or by June 30, 2012, EAS Participants must have deployed
   operational equipment that is capable of the following:

   (1) Acquiring EAS alert messages in accordance with the monitoring
   requirements in §  11.52(d)(2);

   (2) Converting EAS alert messages that have been formatted pursuant to
   the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information
   Standards (OASIS) Common Alerting Protocol Version 1.2 (July 1, 2010),
   and Common Alerting Protocol, v. 1.2 USA Integrated Public Alert and
   Warning System Profile Version 1.0 (Oct. 13, 2009), into EAS alert
   messages that comply with the EAS Protocol, such that the Preamble and
   EAS Header Codes, audio Attention Signal, audio message, and Preamble
   and EAS End of Message (EOM) Codes of such messages are rendered
   equivalent to the EAS Protocol (set forth in §  11.31), in accordance
   with the technical specifications governing such conversion process set
   forth in the EAS-CAP Industry Group's (ECIG) Recommendations for a CAP
   EAS Implementation Guide, Version 1.0 (May 17, 2010) (except that any
   and all specifications set forth therein related to gubernatorial "must
   carry" shall not be followed, and that EAS Participants may adhere to
   the specifications related to text-to-speech on a voluntary basis).

   (3) Processing such converted messages in accordance with the other
   sections of this part.

   (b) EAS Participants may comply with the requirements of this section
   by deploying an Intermediary Device. If an EAS Participant elects to
   meet the requirements of this section by deploying an Intermediary
   Device, it shall be required to construct visual messages from
   CAP-formatted EAS messages in accordance with §  3.6 of the "ECIG
   Recommendations for a CAP EAS Implementation Guide, Version 1.0" (May
   17, 2010), as set forth in § §  11.51(d), (g)(3), (h)(3), and (j)(2) of
   this part, on or by June 30, 2015.

   (c) The standards required in this section are incorporated by
   reference into this section with the approval of the Director of the
   Federal Register under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. To enforce
   any edition other than that specified in this section, the Federal
   Communications Commission must publish notice of change in the Federal
   Register and the material must be available to the public. All approved
   material is available for inspection at the Federal Communications
   Commission, 445 12th Street SW., Washington, DC (Reference Information
   Center) and is available from the sources indicated below. It is also
   available for inspection at the National Archives and Records
   Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this
   material at NARA, call 202-741-6030 or go to
   r_locations.html .

   (1) The following standard is available from the EAS-CAP Industry Group
   (ECIG), 21010 Southbank Street, #365, Sterling, VA 20165, or go to .

   (i) "ECIG Recommendations for a CAP EAS Implementation Guide, Version
   1.0" (May 17, 2010).

   (ii) [Reserved]

   (2) The following standards are available from Organization for the
   Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS), 25 Corporate
   Drive, Suite 103, Burlington, MA 01803-4238, call 781-425-5073, or go
   to .

   (i) "Common Alerting Protocol Version 1.2" (July 1, 2010).

   (ii) "Common Alerting Protocol, v. 1.2 USA Integrated Public Alert and
   Warning System Profile Version 1.0" (Oct. 13, 2009).

   [ 77 FR 16706 , Mar. 22, 2012, as amended at  77 FR 26703 , May 7, 2012]

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Subpart E--Tests

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Goto Section: 11.55 | 11.61

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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