Goto Section: 13.203 | 13.209 | Table of Contents

FCC 13.207
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  13.207   Preparing an examination.

   (a) Each telegraphy message and each written question set administered
   to an examinee for a commercial radio operator license must be provided
   by a COLEM.

   (b) Each question set administered to an examinee must utilize
   questions taken from the applicable Element question pool. The COLEM
   may obtain the written question sets from a supplier or other COLEM.

   (c) A telegraphy examination must consist of a plain language text or
   code group message sent in the international Morse code at no less than
   the prescribed speed for a minimum of five minutes. The message must
   contain each required telegraphy character at least once. No message
   known to the examinee may be administered in a telegraphy examination.
   Each five letters of the alphabet must be counted as one word or one
   code group. Each numeral, punctuation mark, and prosign must be counted
   as two letters of the alphabet. The COLEM may obtain the telegraphy
   message from a supplier or other COLEM.

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Goto Section: 13.203 | 13.209

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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