Goto Section: 15.233 | 15.237 | Table of Contents

FCC 15.235
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  15.235   Operation within the band 49.82-49.90 MHz.

   (a) The field strength of any emission within this band shall not
   exceed 10,000 microvolts/meter at 3 meters. The emission limit in this
   paragraph is based on measurement instrumentation employing an average
   detector. The provisions in §  15.35 for limiting peak emissions apply.

   (b) The field strength of any emissions appearing between the band
   edges and up to 10 kHz above and below the band edges shall be
   attenuated at least 26 dB below the level of the unmodulated carrier or
   to the general limits in §  15.209, whichever permits the higher
   emission levels. The field strength of any emissions removed by more
   than 10 kHz from the band edges shall not exceed the general radiated
   emission limits in §  15.209. All signals exceeding 20 microvolts/meter
   at 3 meters shall be reported in the application for certification.

   (c) For a home-built intentional radiator, as defined in §  15.23(a),
   operating within the band 49.82-49.90 MHz, the following standards may
   be employed:

   (1) The RF carrier and modulation products shall be maintained within
   the band 49.82-49.90 MHz.

   (2) The total input power to the device measured at the battery or the
   power line terminals shall not exceed 100 milliwatts under any
   condition of modulation.

   (3) The antenna shall be a single element, one meter or less in length,
   permanently mounted on the enclosure containing the device.

   (4) Emissions outside of this band shall be attenuated at least 20 dB
   below the level of the unmodulated carrier.

   (5) The regulations contained in §  15.23 of this part apply to
   intentional radiators constructed under the provisions of this

   (d) Cordless telephones are not permitted to operate under the
   provisions of this section.

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Goto Section: 15.233 | 15.237

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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