Goto Section: 15.242 | 15.245 | Table of Contents

FCC 15.243
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  15.243   Operation in the band 890-940 MHz.

   (a) Operation under the provisions of this section is restricted to
   devices that use radio frequency energy to measure the characteristics
   of a material. Devices operated pursuant to the provisions of this
   section shall not be used for voice communications or the transmission
   of any other type of message.

   (b) The field strength of any emissions radiated within the specified
   frequency band shall not exceed 500 microvolts/meter at 30 meters. The
   emission limit in this paragraph is based on measurement
   instrumentation employing an average detector. The provisions in
   §  15.35 for limiting peak emissions apply.

   (c) The field strength of emissions radiated on any frequency outside
   of the specified band shall not exceed the general radiated emission
   limits in §  15.209.

   (d) The device shall be self-contained with no external or readily
   accessible controls which may be adjusted to permit operation in a
   manner inconsistent with the provisions in this section. Any antenna
   that may be used with the device shall be permanently attached thereto
   and shall not be readily modifiable by the user.

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Goto Section: 15.242 | 15.245

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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