Goto Section: 15.35 | 15.38 | Table of Contents

FCC 15.37
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  15.37   Transition provisions for compliance with the rules.

   (a) The manufacture or importation of scanning receivers, and frequency
   converters designed or marketed for use with scanning receivers, that
   do not comply with the provisions of §  15.121 shall cease on or before
   October 25, 1999. Effective July 26, 1999, the Commission will not
   grant equipment authorization for receivers that do not comply with the
   provisions of §  15.121. This paragraph does not prohibit the sale or
   use of authorized receivers manufactured in the United States, or
   imported into the United States, prior to October 25, 1999.

   (b) Effective October 16, 2002, an equipment approval may no longer be
   obtained for medical telemetry equipment operating under the provisions
   of §  15.241 or §  15.242. The requirements for obtaining an approval
   for medical telemetry equipment after this date are found in subpart H
   of part 95 of this chapter.

   (c) All radio frequency devices that are authorized under the
   certification, verification or declaration of conformity procedures on
   or after July 12, 2004 shall comply with the conducted limits specified
   in §  15.107 or §  15.207 as appropriate. All radio frequency devices
   that are manufactured or imported on or after July 11, 2005 shall
   comply with the conducted limits specified in §  15.107 or §  15.207,
   as appropriate. Equipment authorized, imported or manufactured prior to
   these dates shall comply with the conducted limits specified in
   §  15.107 or §  15.207, as appropriate, or with the conducted limits
   that were in effect immediately prior to September 9, 2002.

   (d) Radar detectors manufactured or imported after August 28, 2002 and
   marketed after September 27, 2002 shall comply with the regulations
   specified in this part. Radar detectors manufactured or imported prior
   to January 27, 2003 may be labeled with the information required by
   §  2.925 of this chapter and §  15.19(a) on the individual equipment
   carton rather than on the device, and are exempt from complying with
   the requirements of §  15.21.

   (e) U-NII equipment operating in the 5.25-5.35 GHz band for which
   applications for certification are filed on or after July 20, 2006
   shall comply with the DFS and TPC requirements specified in §  15.407.
   U-NII equipment operating in the 5.25-5.35 GHz band that are imported
   or marketed on or after July 20, 2007 shall comply with the DFS and TPC
   requirements in §  15.407.

   (f) All Access BPL devices that are manufactured, imported, marketed or
   installed on or after July 7, 2006, shall comply with the requirements
   specified in subpart G of this part, including certification of the

   (g) The manufacture or importation of auditory assistance devices that
   operate in the 72.0-73.0 MHz, 74.6-74.8 MHz, and 75.2-76.0 MHz bands
   that do not comply with the requirements of §  15.237(c) shall cease on
   or before July 11, 2016. Effective January 12, 2015, equipment approval
   will not be granted for auditory assistance devices that operate in the
   72.0-73.0 MHz, 74.6-74.8 MHz, and 75.2-76.0 MHz bands that do not
   comply with the requirements of §  15.237(c). These rules do not
   prohibit the sale or use of authorized auditory assistance devices that
   operate in the 72.0-73.0 MHz, 74.6-74.8 MHz, and 75.2-76.0 MHz bands
   manufactured in the United States, or imported into the United States,
   prior to July 11, 2016.

   [ 77 FR 4913 , Feb. 1, 2012, as amended at  78 FR 34927 , June 11, 2013]

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Goto Section: 15.35 | 15.38

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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