Goto Section: 2.1043 | 2.1047 | Table of Contents

FCC 2.1046
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  2.1046   Measurements required: RF power output.

   (a) For transmitters other than single sideband, independent sideband
   and controlled carrier radiotelephone, power output shall be measured
   at the RF output terminals when the transmitter is adjusted in
   accordance with the tune-up procedure to give the values of current and
   voltage on the circuit elements specified in §  2.1033(c)(8). The
   electrical characteristics of the radio frequency load attached to the
   output terminals when this test is made shall be stated.

   (b) For single sideband, independent sideband, and single channel,
   controlled carrier radiotelephone transmitters the procedure specified
   in paragraph (a) of this section shall be employed and, in addition,
   the transmitter shall be modulated during the test as follows. In all
   tests, the input level of the modulating signal shall be such as to
   develop rated peak envelope power or carrier power, as appropriate, for
   the transmitter.

   (1) Single sideband transmitters in the A3A or A3J emission modes--by
   two tones at frequencies of 400 Hz and 1800 Hz (for 3.0 kHz authorized
   bandwidth), or 500 Hz and 2100 Hz (3.5 kHz authorized bandwidth), or
   500 Hz and 2400 Hz (for 4.0 kHz authorized bandwidth), applied
   simultaneously, the input levels of the tones so adjusted that the two
   principal frequency components of the radio frequency signal produced
   are equal in magnitude.

   (2) Single sideband transmitters in the A3H emission mode--by one tone
   at a frequency of 1500 Hz (for 3.0 kHz authorized bandwidth), or 1700
   Hz (for 3.5 kHz authorized bandwidth), or 1900 Hz (for 4.0 kHz
   authorized bandwidth), the level of which is adjusted to produce a
   radio frequency signal component equal in magnitude to the magnitude of
   the carrier in this mode.

   (3) As an alternative to paragraphs (b) (1) and (2) of this section
   other tones besides those specified may be used as modulating
   frequencies, upon a sufficient showing of need. However, any tones so
   chosen must not be harmonically related, the third and fifth order
   intermodulation products which occur must fall within the -25 dB step
   of the emission bandwidth limitation curve, the seventh and ninth order
   intermodulation product must fall within the 35 dB step of the
   referenced curve and the eleventh and all higher order products must
   fall beyond the -35 dB step of the referenced curve.

   (4) Independent sideband transmitters having two channels by 1700 Hz
   tones applied simultaneously in both channels, the input levels of the
   tones so adjusted that the two principal frequency components of the
   radio frequency signal produced are equal in magnitude.

   (5) Independent sideband transmitters having more than two channels by
   an appropriate signal or signals applied to all channels
   simultaneously. The input signal or signals shall simulate the input
   signals specified by the manufacturer for normal operation.

   (6) Single-channel controlled-carrier transmitters in the A3 emission
   mode--by a 2500 Hz tone.

   (c) For measurements conducted pursuant to paragraphs (a) and (b) of
   this section, all calculations and methods used by the applicant for
   determining carrier power or peak envelope power, as appropriate, on
   the basis of measured power in the radio frequency load attached to the
   transmitter output terminals shall be shown. Under the test conditions
   specified, no components of the emission spectrum shall exceed the
   limits specified in the applicable rule parts as necessary for meeting
   occupied bandwidth or emission limitations.

   [ 39 FR 5919 , Feb. 15, 1974. Redesignated and amended at  63 FR 36599 ,
   July 7, 1998]

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Goto Section: 2.1043 | 2.1047

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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