Goto Section: 20.9 | 20.12 | Table of Contents

FCC 20.11
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  20.11   Interconnection to facilities of local exchange carriers.

   (a) A local exchange carrier must provide the type of interconnection
   reasonably requested by a mobile service licensee or carrier, within a
   reasonable time after the request, unless such interconnection is not
   technically feasible or economically reasonable. Complaints against
   carriers under section 208 of the Communications Act, 47 U.S.C. 208,
   alleging a violation of this section shall follow the requirements of
   § §  1.711-1.734 of this chapter, 47 CFR 1.711-1.734.

   (b) Local exchange carriers and commercial mobile radio service
   providers shall exchange Non-Access Telecommunications Traffic, as
   defined in §  51.701 of this chapter, under a bill-and-keep
   arrangement, as defined in §  51.713 of this chapter, unless they
   mutually agree otherwise.

   (c) Local exchange carriers and commercial mobile radio service
   providers shall also comply with applicable provisions of part 51 of
   this chapter.

   (d) Local exchange carriers may not impose compensation obligations for
   traffic not subject to access charges upon commercial mobile radio
   service providers pursuant to tariffs.

   (e) An incumbent local exchange carrier may request interconnection
   from a commercial mobile radio service provider and invoke the
   negotiation and arbitration procedures contained in section 252 of the
   Act. A commercial mobile radio service provider receiving a request for
   interconnection must negotiate in good faith and must, if requested,
   submit to arbitration by the state commission.

   [ 59 FR 18495 , Apr. 19, 1994, as amended at  61 FR 45619 , Aug. 29, 1996;
    70 FR 16145 , Mar. 30, 2005;  76 FR 73852 , Nov. 29, 2011;  77 FR 1640 ,
   Jan. 11, 2012]

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Goto Section: 20.9 | 20.12

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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