Goto Section: 211.0 | 211.1 | Table of Contents

FCC 211.0
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  211.0   Purpose.

   This part establishes policies and procedures under which government
   and private entities will be furnished restoration priorities to insure
   that leased intercity private line telecommunications services vital to
   the national interest will be maintained during the continuance of a
   war in which the United States engaged. It supersedes the Director of
   Telecommunications Management Order of January 15, 1967 ( 32 FR 791 , 47
   CFR part 201), which is hereby canceled. To assure the effective
   ability to implement its provisions, and also in order that government
   and industry resources may be used effectively under all conditions
   ranging from national emergencies to international crises, including
   nuclear attack, a single set of rules and procedures is essential, and
   they must be applied on a day-to-day basis so that the priorities they
   establish can be implemented at once when the occasion arises. As
   provided for in part 18 of Executive Order 11490, as amended (3 CFR,
   1966-1970 Comp., p. 820), policies, plans, and procedures developed
   pursuant to the Executive order shall be in consonance with the plans
   and policies contained in this part.

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Goto Section: 211.0 | 211.1

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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