Goto Section: 211.2 | 211.4 | Table of Contents

FCC 211.3
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  211.3   Scope and coverage.

   (a) The priority system and procedures established by this part are
   applicable to:

   (1) U.S. domestic leased intercity private line services, including
   private line switched network services;

   (2) U.S. international leased private line services to the point of
   foreign entry;

   (3) Foreign extensions of U.S. international leased private line
   services to the extent possible through agreement between U.S. carriers
   and foreign correspondents;

   (4) International leased private line services terminating in or
   transiting the United States;

   (5) Federal Government-owned and leased circuits.

   (b) The priority system and procedures established by this part are not
   applicable to operational circuits or order wires of the carriers
   needed for circuit reactivation and maintenance purposes, which shall
   have priority of restoration over all other circuits and shall be
   exempt from interruption for the purpose of restoring priority

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Goto Section: 211.2 | 211.4

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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