Goto Section: 22.573 | 22.579 | Table of Contents

FCC 22.575
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  22.575   Use of mobile channel for remote control of station functions.

   Carriers may remotely control station functions (e.g. shut down or
   reactivate base transmitters, turn aviation obstruction warning lights
   on or off, etc.) using a control transmitter operating on a mobile
   channel, subject to the conditions in this section and in §  22.567(h).

   (a) The control transmitter must be capable of overriding transmissions
   from subscriber-operated transmitters if necessary. Subscriber-operated
   transmitters must not be capable of being used to deliberately or
   accidentally prevent the licensee from controlling the station.

   (b) The licensee must implement measures designed to prevent station
   functions from being controlled by persons not authorized by the
   licensee to control the station.

   (c) The control transmitter location must be within the composite
   service contour of the licensee's authorized station on the paired base

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Goto Section: 22.573 | 22.579

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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