Goto Section: 22.621 | 22.625 | Table of Contents

FCC 22.623
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  22.623   System configuration.

   This section requires a minimum configuration for point-to-multipoint
   systems using the channels listed in §  22.621.

   (a) 928-960 MHz. The channels may be assigned, individually or paired,
   only to fixed transmitters in a system that controls at least four
   public mobile base transmitters that transmit on the same channel. If a
   932-933 MHz channel and a 941-942 MHz channel are assigned as a pair,
   the 941-942 MHz channel must be assigned only to control transmitters;
   the 932-933 MHz channel may be assigned to control or fixed relay

   (b) 470-512 MHz. These channels may be assigned only individually
   (unpaired), to control transmitters that directly control at least four
   public mobile base transmitters that transmit on the same channel.
   Fixed relay transmitters are not authorized.

   (c) Selection and assignment. The FCC selects and assigns a channel
   when granting applications for authorization to operate a new station
   to transmit in the 470-512, 932-933 and 941-942 MHz frequency ranges.
   Applicants having a preference may request the assignment of a specific
   channel or channel pair, but the FCC may in some cases be unable to
   satisfy such requests.

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Goto Section: 22.621 | 22.625

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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