Goto Section: 22.951 | 22.955 | Table of Contents

FCC 22.953
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  22.953   Content and form of applications.

   Applications for authority to operate a cellular system in an unserved
   area must comply with the specifications in this section.

   (a) Applications for authority to operate a cellular system in an
   unserved area must include the following information in addition to the
   requirements specified in § §  1.919, 1.923 and 1.924. The following
   exhibits must be set off by tabs and numbered as follows:

   (1) Exhibit I--full-size map . The scale of the full-size map must be
   1:500,000, regardless of whether any different scale is used for the
   reduced map required in Exhibit II. The map must have a legend, a
   distance scale and correctly labeled latitude and longitude lines. The
   map must be clear and legible. The map must accurately show the cell
   sites (transmitting antenna locations), the entire CGSA, any extension
   of the composite service area boundary beyond the CGSA ( see §  22.911)
   and the relevant portions of the cellular market boundary.

   (2) Exhibit II--reduced map . This map must be a proportional
   reduction, to 81/2 * 11 inches, of the full-size map required for
   Exhibit I, unless it proves to be impractical to depict the entire
   cellular market by reducing the full-size map. In such instance, an
   81/2 * 11 inch map of a different scale may be substituted, provided
   that the required features of the full-size map are clearly depicted
   and labeled.

   (3) Exhibit III--engineering . This exhibit must contain the data and
   methodology used to calculate the CGSA and service area boundary.

   (4) Exhibit IV--channel plan . This exhibit must show which specific
   channels (or groups) are to be used at each cell site. Any necessary
   table for converting channel numbers to center frequencies must be

   (5) [Reserved]

   (6) Exhibit VI--service proposal . This exhibit must describe the
   services proposed for subscribers and roamers, including the proposed
   method for handling complaints.

   (7) Exhibit VII--cellular design . This exhibit must show that the
   proposed system design complies with cellular system design concepts,
   and must describe the method proposed to expand the system in a
   coordinated fashion as necessary to address changing demand for
   cellular service.

   (8) Exhibit VIII--blocking level . This exhibit must disclose the
   blocking probability or other criteria to be used to determine whether
   it is necessary to take measures to increase system capacity to
   maintain service quality.

   (9) Exhibit IX--start-up expenses . This exhibit must disclose in
   detail the projected cost of construction and other initial expenses of
   the proposed system, and how the applicant intends to meet these
   expenses and the costs of operation for the first year.

   (10) Exhibit X--interconnection arrangements . This exhibit is required
   for applicants that provide public landline message telephone service
   in any portion of the proposed CGSA. This exhibit must describe exactly
   how the proposed system would interconnect with the landline network.
   The description must be of sufficient detail to enable a competitor to
   connect with the landline system in exactly the same manner, if the
   competitor so chooses.

   (b) Existing systems--major modifications . Licensees making major
   modifications pursuant to §  1.929(a) and (b) of this chapter, must
   file FCC Form 601 and need only contain the exhibits required by
   paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(3) of this section.

   (c) Existing systems--minor modifications . Licensees making minor
   modifications pursuant to §  1.929(k) of this chapter--in which the
   modification causes a change in the CGSA boundary (including the
   removal of a transmitter or transmitters)--must notify the FCC (using
   FCC Form 601) and include full-sized maps, reduced maps, and supporting
   engineering exhibits as described in paragraphs (a)(1) through (3) of
   this section. If the modification involves a contract SAB extension, it
   must include a statement as to whether the five-year build-out for the
   system on the relevant channel block in the market into which the SAB
   extends has elapsed, and as to whether the SAB extends into any
   unserved area in that market.

   [ 59 FR 59507 , Nov. 17, 1994, as amended at  59 FR 59954 , Nov. 21, 1994;
    63 FR 68951 , Dec. 14, 1998;  64 FR 53241 , Oct. 1, 1999;  70 FR 61059 ,
   Oct. 20, 2005]

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Goto Section: 22.951 | 22.955

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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