Goto Section: 24.203 | 24.232 | Table of Contents

FCC 24.229
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  24.229   Frequencies.

   The frequencies available in the Broadband PCS service are listed in
   this section in accordance with the frequency allocations table of
   §  2.106 of this chapter.

   (a) The following frequency blocks are available for assignment on an
   MTA basis:

   Block A: 1850-1865 MHz paired with 1930-1945 MHz; and

   Block B: 1870-1885 MHz paired with 1950-1965 MHz.

   (b) The following frequency blocks are available for assignment on a
   BTA basis:

   Block C: 1895-1910 MHz paired with 1975-1990 MHz;

   Pursuant to Amendment of the Commission's Rules Regarding Installment
   Payment Financing for Personal Communications Services (PCS) Licensees,
   WT Docket No. 97-82, Sixth Report and Order , FCC 00-313, all 30 MHz
   Block C licenses available for auction in Auction No. 35 or any
   subsequent auction will be reconfigured into three 10 MHz C block
   licenses as follows: 1895-1900 MHz paired with 1975-1980 MHz, 1900-1905
   MHz paired with 1980-1985 MHz, 1905-1910 MHz paired with 1985-1990 MHz;

   Block D: 1865-1870 MHz paired with 1945-1950 MHz;

   Block E: 1885-1890 MHz paired with 1965-1970 MHz;

   Block F: 1890-1895 MHz paired with 1970-1975 MHz;

   (c) The paired frequency blocks 1910-1915 MHz and 1990-1995 MHz are
   available for assignment in the 175 Economic Areas defined in §  90.7
   of this chapter. The 1910-1915 MHz block shall be used for
   mobile/portable station transmissions while the 1990-1995 MHz block
   shall be used for base station transmissions.

   [ 59 FR 32854 , June 24, 1994, as amended at  60 FR 13917 , Mar. 15, 1995;
    60 FR 26375 , May 17, 1995;  61 FR 33868 , July 1, 1996;  62 FR 660 , Jan.
   6, 1997;  65 FR 53637 , Sept. 5, 2000;  69 FR 67836 , Nov. 22, 2004]

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Goto Section: 24.203 | 24.232

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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