Goto Section: 24.245 | 24.249 | Table of Contents

FCC 24.247
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  24.247   Triggering a reimbursement obligation.

   (a) Licensed PCS . The clearinghouse will apply the following test to
   determine if a PCS entity preparing to initiate operations must pay a
   PCS relocator or a voluntarily relocating microwave incumbent in
   accordance with the formula detailed in §  24.243:

   (1) All or part of the relocated microwave link was initially
   co-channel with the licensed PCS band(s) of the subsequent PCS entity;

   (2) A PCS relocator has paid the relocation costs of the microwave
   incumbent; and

   (3) The subsequent PCS entity is preparing to turn on a fixed base
   station at commercial power and the fixed base station is located
   within a rectangle (Proximity Threshold) described as follows:

   (i) The length of the rectangle shall be x where x is a line extending
   through both nodes of the microwave link to a distance of 48 kilometers
   (30 miles) beyond each node. The width of the rectangle shall be y
   where y is a line perpendicular to x and extending for a distance of 24
   kilometers (15 miles) on both sides of x. Thus, the rectangle is
   represented as follows:
   eCFR graphic ec01mr91.041.gif

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   (ii) If the application of the Proximity Threshold test indicates that
   a reimbursement obligation exists, the clearinghouse will calculate the
   reimbursement amount in accordance with the cost-sharing formula and
   notify the subsequent PCS entity of the total amount of its
   reimbursement obligation.

   (b) Unlicensed PCS . UTAM's reimbursement obligation is triggered

   (1) When a county is cleared of microwave links in the unlicensed
   allocation, and UTAM invokes a Zone 1 power cap as a result of third
   party relocation activities; or

   (2) A county is cleared of microwave links in the unlicensed allocation
   and UTAM reclassifies a Zone 2 county to Zone 1 status.

   (c) Any new entrants granted licenses for the 1910-1915 MHz band must
   reimburse UTAM a pro rata share of its total expenses incurred by UTAM
   as of the date that the new entrants gain access to the band. The
   percent required by new entrants to pay shall be calculated based upon
   the amount of spectrum granted to the new entrant as compared to the
   total amount of spectrum UTAM is responsible for clearing of incumbents
   (20 megahertz), and must be paid before a new entrant begins operations
   in the band. For example, if a new entrant obtains a license for 5
   megahertz of spectrum in this band, it is required to reimburse UTAM
   one-quarter of UTAM's total costs to date on a pro rata shared basis.
   New entrants will be responsible for the actual costs associated with
   future relocation activities in their licensed spectrum, but will be
   entitled to seek reimbursement from UTAM for the proportion of those
   band clearing costs that benefit users of the 1915-1930 MHz band.

   [ 61 FR 29692 , June 12, 1996, as amended at  62 FR 12757 , Mar. 18, 1997;
    69 FR 67836 , Nov. 22, 2004]

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Goto Section: 24.245 | 24.249

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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