Goto Section: 25.113 | 25.115 | Table of Contents

FCC 25.114
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  25.114   Applications for space station authorizations.

   (a) A comprehensive proposal shall be submitted for each proposed space
   station on FCC Form 312, Main Form and Schedule S, together with
   attached exhibits as described in paragraph (d) of this section.

   (b) Each application for a new or modified space station authorization
   must constitute a concrete proposal for Commission evaluation. Each
   application must also contain the formal waiver required by section 304
   of the Communications Act, 47 U.S.C. 304. The technical information for
   a proposed satellite system specified in paragraph (c) of this section
   must be filed on FCC Form 312, Main Form and Schedule S. The technical
   information for a proposed satellite system specified in paragraph (d)
   of this section need not be filed on any prescribed form but should be
   complete in all pertinent details. Applications for all new space
   station authorizations must be filed electronically through the
   International Bureau Filing System (IBFS) in accordance with the
   applicable provisions of part 1, subpart Y of this chapter.

   (c) The following information shall be filed on FCC Form 312, Main Form
   and Schedule § 

   (1) Name, address, and telephone number of the applicant;

   (2) Name, address, and telephone number of the person(s), including
   counsel, to whom inquiries or correspondence should be directed;

   (3) Type of authorization requested ( e.g. , launch authority, station
   license, modification of authorization);

   (4)(i) Radio frequencies and polarization plan (including beacon,
   telemetry, and telecommand functions), center frequency and
   polarization of transponders (both receiving and transmitting

   (ii) Emission designators and allocated bandwidth of emission, final
   amplifier output power (identify any net losses between output of final
   amplifier and input of antenna and specify the maximum EIRP for each
   antenna beam),

   (iii) Identification of which antenna beams are connected or switchable
   to each transponder and TT&C function,

   (iv) Receiving system noise temperature,

   (v) The relationship between satellite receive antenna gain pattern and
   gain-to-temperature ratio and saturation flux density for each antenna
   beam (may be indicated on antenna gain plot),

   (vi) The gain of each transponder channel (between output of receiving
   antenna and input of transmitting antenna) including any adjustable
   gain step capabilities, and

   (vii) Predicted receiver and transmitter channel filter response

   (5) For satellites in geostationary-satellite orbit,

   (i) Orbital location, or locations if alternatives are proposed,
   requested for the satellite,

   (ii) The factors that support the orbital assignment or assignments
   proposed in paragraph (c)(5)(i) of this section,

   (iii) Longitudinal tolerance or east-west station-keeping capability;

   (iv) Inclination incursion or north-south station-keeping capability.

   (6) For satellites in non-geostationary-satellite orbits,

   (i) The number of space stations and applicable information relating to
   the number of orbital planes,

   (ii) The inclination of the orbital plane(s),

   (iii) The orbital period,

   (iv) The apogee,

   (v) The perigee,

   (vi) The argument(s) of perigee,

   (vii) Active service arc(s), and

   (viii) Right ascension of the ascending node(s).

   (7) For satellites in geostationary-satellite orbit, accuracy with
   which the orbital inclination, the antenna axis attitude, and
   longitudinal drift will be maintained;

   (8) Calculation of power flux density levels within each coverage area
   and of the energy dispersal, if any, needed for compliance with
   §  25.208, for angles of arrival of 5DEG, 10DEG, 15DEG, 20DEG, and
   25DEG above the horizontal;

   (9) Arrangement for tracking, telemetry, and control;

   (10) Physical characteristics of the space station including weight and
   dimensions of spacecraft, detailed mass (on ground and in-orbit) and
   power (beginning and end of life) budgets, and estimated operational
   lifetime and reliability of the space station and the basis for that

   (11) A clear and detailed statement of whether the space station is to
   be operated on a common carrier basis, or whether non-common carrier
   transactions are proposed. If non-common carrier transactions are
   proposed, describe the nature of the transactions and specify the
   number of transponders to be offered on a non-common carrier basis;

   (12) Dates by which construction will be commenced and completed,
   launch date, and estimated date of placement into service.

   (13) The polarization information specified in § §  25.210(a)(1),
   (a)(3), and (i), to the extent applicable.

   (d) The following information in narrative form shall be contained in
   each application:

   (1) General description of overall system facilities, operations and

   (2) If applicable, the feeder link and inter-satellite service
   frequencies requested for the satellite, together with any
   demonstration otherwise required by this chapter for use of those
   frequencies (see, e.g. , § §  25.203(j) and (k));

   (3) Predicted space station antenna gain contour(s) for each transmit
   and each receive antenna beam and nominal orbital location requested.
   These contour(s) should be plotted on an area map at 2 dB intervals
   down to 10 dB below the peak value of the parameter and at 5 dB
   intervals between 10 dB and 20 dB below the peak values, with the peak
   value and sense of polarization clearly specified on each plotted
   contour. For applications for geostationary orbit satellites, this
   information must be provided in the .gxt format.

   (4) A description of the types of services to be provided, and the
   areas to be served, including a description of the transmission
   characteristics and performance objectives for each type of proposed
   service, details of the link noise budget, typical or baseline earth
   station parameters, modulation parameters, and overall link performance
   analysis (including an analysis of the effects of each contributing
   noise and interference source);

   (5) Calculation of power flux density levels within each coverage area
   and of the energy dispersal, if any, needed for compliance with
   §  25.208; Calculation of power flux density levels within each
   coverage area and of the energy dispersal, if any, needed for
   compliance with §  25.208, for angles of arrival other than 5DEG,
   10DEG, 15DEG, 20DEG, and 25DEG above the horizontal.

   (6) Public interest considerations in support of grant;

   (7) Applicants for authorizations for space stations in the
   Fixed-Satellite Service must also include the information specified in
   § §  25.140(b)(1) and (2) of this part. Applicants for authorizations
   for space stations in the 17/24 GHz Broadcasting-Satellite Service must
   also include the information specified in §  25.140(b)(1) and
   § §  25.140(b)(3), (b)(4), (b)(5), or (b)(6) of this part.

   (8) Applications for authorizations in the Mobile-Satellite Service in
   the 1545-1559/1646.5-1660.5 MHz frequency bands shall also provide all
   information necessary to comply with the policies and procedures set
   forth in Rules and Policies Pertaining to the Use of Radio Frequencies
   in a Land Mobile Satellite Service, 2 FCC Rcd 485 (1987) (Available at
   address in §  0.445 of this chapter.);

   (9) Applications to license multiple space station systems in the
   non-voice, non-geostationary mobile-satellite service under blanket
   operating authority shall also provide all information specified in
   §  25.142; and

   (10) Applications for authorizations in the 1.6/2.4 GHz
   Mobile-Satellite Service shall also provide all information specified
   in §  25.143.

   (11) In addition to a statement of whether the space station is to be
   operated on a common carrier basis, or whether non-common carrier
   transactions are proposed, as specified in paragraph (c)(11) of this
   section, satellite applications in the Direct Broadcast Satellite
   service must provide a clear and detailed statement of whether the
   space station is to be operated on a broadcast or non-broadcast basis.

   (12) Applications for authorizations in the non-geostationary satellite
   orbit Fixed-Satellite Service (NGSO FSS) in the 10.7-14.5 GHz bands
   shall also provide all information specified in §  25.146.

   (13) For satellite applications in the Direct Broadcast Satellite
   service, if the proposed system's technical characteristics differ from
   those specified in the Appendix 30 BSS Plans, the Appendix 30A feeder
   link Plans, Annex 5 to Appendix 30 or Annex 3 to Appendix 30A, each
   applicant shall provide:

   (i) The information requested in Appendix 4 of the ITU's Radio
   Regulations. Further, applicants shall provide sufficient technical
   showing that the proposed system could operate satisfactorily if all
   assignments in the BSS and feeder link Plans were implemented.

   (ii) Analyses of the proposed system with respect to the limits in
   Annex 1 to Appendices 30 and 30A.

   (14) A description of the design and operational strategies that will
   be used to mitigate orbital debris, including the following

   (i) A statement that the space station operator has assessed and
   limited the amount of debris released in a planned manner during normal
   operations, and has assessed and limited the probability of the space
   station becoming a source of debris by collisions with small debris or
   meteoroids that could cause loss of control and prevent post-mission

   (ii) A statement that the space station operator has assessed and
   limited the probability of accidental explosions during and after
   completion of mission operations. This statement must include a
   demonstration that debris generation will not result from the
   conversion of energy sources on board the spacecraft into energy that
   fragments the spacecraft. Energy sources include chemical, pressure,
   and kinetic energy. This demonstration should address whether stored
   energy will be removed at the spacecraft's end of life, by depleting
   residual fuel and leaving all fuel line valves open, venting any
   pressurized system, leaving all batteries in a permanent discharge
   state, and removing any remaining source of stored energy, or through
   other equivalent procedures specifically disclosed in the application;

   (iii) A statement that the space station operator has assessed and
   limited the probability of the space station becoming a source of
   debris by collisions with large debris or other operational space
   stations. Where a space station will be launched into a low-Earth orbit
   that is identical, or very similar, to an orbit used by other space
   stations, the statement must include an analysis of the potential risk
   of collision and a description of what measures the space station
   operator plans to take to avoid in-orbit collisions. If the space
   station operator is relying on coordination with another system, the
   statement must indicate what steps have been taken to contact, and
   ascertain the likelihood of successful coordination of physical
   operations with, the other system. The statement must disclose the
   accuracy--if any--with which orbital parameters of non-geostationary
   satellite orbit space stations will be maintained, including apogee,
   perigee, inclination, and the right ascension of the ascending node(s).
   In the event that a system is not able to maintain orbital tolerances,
   i.e. , it lacks a propulsion system for orbital maintenance, that fact
   should be included in the debris mitigation disclosure. Such systems
   must also indicate the anticipated evolution over time of the orbit of
   the proposed satellite or satellites. Where a space station requests
   the assignment of a geostationary-Earth orbit location, it must assess
   whether there are any known satellites located at, or reasonably
   expected to be located at, the requested orbital location, or assigned
   in the vicinity of that location, such that the station keeping volumes
   of the respective satellites might overlap. If so, the statement must
   include a statement as to the identities of those parties and the
   measures that will be taken to prevent collisions;

   (iv) A statement detailing the post-mission disposal plans for the
   space station at end of life, including the quantity of fuel--if
   any--that will be reserved for post-mission disposal maneuvers. For
   geostationary-Earth orbit space stations, the statement must disclose
   the altitude selected for a post-mission disposal orbit and the
   calculations that are used in deriving the disposal altitude. The
   statement must also include a casualty risk assessment if planned
   post-mission disposal involves atmospheric re-entry of the space
   station. In general, an assessment should include an estimate as to
   whether portions of the spacecraft will survive re-entry and reach the
   surface of the Earth, as well as an estimate of the resulting
   probability of human casualty.

   (15) Each applicant for a space station license in the 17/24 GHz
   broadcasting-satellite service shall include the following information
   as an attachment to its application:

   (i) Except as set forth in paragraph (d)(15)(ii) of this section, an
   applicant proposing to operate in the 17.3-17.7 GHz frequency band,
   must provide a demonstration that the proposed space station will
   comply with the power flux density limits set forth in §  25.208(w) of
   this part.

   (ii) In cases where the proposed space station will not comply with the
   power flux density limits set forth in §  25.208(w) of this part, the
   applicant will be required to provide a certification that all
   potentially affected parties acknowledge and do not object to the use
   of the applicant's higher power flux densities. The affected parties
   with whom the applicant must coordinate are those GSO 17/24 GHz BSS
   satellite networks located up to +-6DEG away for excesses of up to 3 dB
   above the power flux-density levels specified in §  25.208(w) of this
   part, and up to +-10DEG away greater for excesses greater than 3 dB
   above those levels.

   (iii) An applicant proposing to provide international service in the
   17.7-17.8 GHz band must demonstrate that it will meet the power flux
   density limits set forth in §  25.208(c) of this part.

   (iv) The information required in §  25.264(a) and (b).

   (16) In addition to the requirements of paragraph (d)(15) of this
   section, each applicant for a license to operate a 17/24 GHz BSS space
   station that will be used to provide video programming directly to
   consumers in the United States, that will not meet the requirements of
   §  25.225 of this part, must include as an attachment to its
   application a technical analysis demonstrating that providing video
   programming service to consumers in Alaska and Hawaii that is
   comparable to the video programming service provided to consumers in
   the 48 contiguous United States (CONUS) is not feasible as a technical
   matter or that, while technically feasible, such service would require
   so many compromises in satellite design and operation as to make it
   economically unreasonable.

   (17) An applicant seeking to operate a space station in the 17/24 GHz
   broadcasting-satellite service pursuant to the provisions of
   §  25.262(b) of this part, at an offset location no greater than one
   degree offset from an orbital location specified in Appendix F of the
   Report and Order adopted May 2, 2007, IB Docket No. 06-123, FCC 07-76,
   must submit a written request to that effect as part of the narrative
   portion of its application.

   (18) For space stations in the Direct Broadcast Satellite service or
   the 17/24 GHz broadcasting-satellite service, maximum orbital

   (e) Applicants requesting authority to launch and operate a system
   comprised of technically identical, non-geostationary satellite orbit
   space stations may file a single "blanket" application containing the
   information specified in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section for
   each representative space station.

   [ 68 FR 63997 , Nov. 12, 2003, as amended at  69 FR 29901 , May 26, 2004;
    69 FR 47794 , Aug. 6, 2004;  69 FR 54587 , Sept. 9, 2004;  72 FR 50027 ,
   Aug. 29, 2007;  72 FR 60278 , Oct. 24, 2007;  76 FR 50431 , Aug. 15, 2011;
    78 FR 8421 , Feb. 6, 2013]

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Goto Section: 25.113 | 25.115

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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