Goto Section: 25.129 | 25.131 | Table of Contents

FCC 25.130
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  25.130   Filing requirements for transmitting earth stations.

   (a) Applications for a new or modified transmitting earth station
   facility shall be submitted on FCC Form 312, and associated Schedule B,
   accompanied by any required exhibits, except for those earth station
   applications filed on FCC Form 312EZ pursuant to §  25.115(a). All such
   earth station license applications must be filed electronically through
   the International Bureau Filing System (IBFS) in accordance with the
   applicable provisions of part 1, subpart Y of this chapter. Additional
   filing requirements for Earth Stations on Vessels are described in
   § §  25.221 and 25.222. Additional filing requirements for
   Vehicle-Mounted Earth Stations are described in §  25.226. Additional
   filing requirements for Earth Stations Aboard Aircraft are described in
   §  25.227. In addition, applicants that are not required to submit
   applications on Form 312EZ, other than ESV, VMES or ESAA applicants,
   must submit the following information to be used as an "informative" in
   the public notice issued under §  25.151 as an attachment to their

   (1) A detailed description of the service to be provided, including
   frequency bands and satellites to be used. The applicant must identify
   either the specific satellite(s) with which it plans to operate, or the
   eastern and western boundaries of the arc it plans to coordinate.

   (2) The diameter or equivalent diameter of the antenna.

   (3) Proposed power and power density levels.

   (4) Identification of any random access technique, if applicable.

   (5) Identification of a specific rule or rules for which a waiver is

   (b) A frequency coordination analysis in accordance with §  25.203
   shall be provided for earth stations transmitting in the frequency
   bands shared with equal rights between terrestrial and space services,
   except that applications for user transceiver units associated with the
   NVNG mobile-satellite service shall instead provide the information
   required by §  25.135 and applications for user transceiver units
   associated with the 1.6/2.4 GHz Mobile-Satellite Service shall
   demonstrate that user transceiver operations comply with the
   requirements set forth in §  25.213.

   (c) In those cases where an applicant is filing a number of essentially
   similar applications, showings of a general nature applicable to all of
   the proposed stations may be submitted in the initial application and
   incorporated by reference in subsequent applications.

   (d) Transmissions of signals or programming to non-U.S. licensed
   satellites, and to and/or from foreign points by means of U.S.-licensed
   fixed satellites may be subject to restrictions as a result of
   international agreements or treaties. The Commission will maintain
   public information on the status of any such agreements.

   (e) Each application proposing construction of one or more earth
   station antennas or alteration of the overall height of one or more
   existing earth station antennas, where FAA notification prior to such
   construction or alteration is required by part 17 of this chapter, must
   include the FCC Antenna Structure Registration Number(s) for the
   affected satellite earth station antenna(s). If no such number has been
   assigned at the time the application(s) is filed, the applicant must
   state in the application whether the satellite earth station antenna
   owner has notified the FAA of the proposed construction or alteration
   and applied to the FCC for an antenna Structure Registration Number in
   accordance with part 17 of this chapter. Applications proposing
   construction of one or more earth station antennas or alteration of the
   overall height of one or more existing earth station antennas, where
   FAA notification prior to such construction or notification or
   alteration is not required by part 17 of this chapter, must indicate
   such and, unless the satellite earth station antenna is 6.10 meters or
   less above ground level (AGL), must contain a statement explaining why
   FAA notification is not required.

   (f) Applicants seeking to operate in a shared government/non-government
   band must provide the half-power beam width of their proposed earth
   station antenna, as an attachment to their applications.

   [ 56 FR 24016 , May 28, 1991, as amended at  58 FR 68059 , Dec. 23, 1993;
    59 FR 53327 , Oct. 21, 1994;  61 FR 4367 , Feb. 6, 1996;  61 FR 9952 , Mar.
   12, 1996;  62 FR 5929 , Feb. 10, 1997;  62 FR 64172 , Dec. 4, 1997;  69 FR 29901 , May 26, 2004;  69 FR 47795 , Aug. 6, 2004;  70 FR 4783 , Jan. 31,
   2005;  70 FR 32253 , June 2, 2005;  74 FR 57098 , Nov. 4, 2009;  78 FR 14926 , Mar. 8, 2013]

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Goto Section: 25.129 | 25.131

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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