Goto Section: 25.161 | 25.163 | Table of Contents

FCC 25.162
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  25.162   Cause for termination of interference protection.

   The protection from interference afforded by the registration of a
   receiving earth station shall be automatically terminated if:

   (a) The request for registration is not submitted to the Commission
   within 3 months of the completion of the frequency coordination
   process, except as provided for in §  25.203;

   (b) The receiving earth station is not constructed and placed into
   service within 6 months after completion of coordination;

   (c) The Commission finds that the station has been used less than 50%
   of the time during any 12 month period;

   (d) The Commission finds that the station has been used for an unlawful
   purpose or otherwise in violation of the Commission's rules,
   regulations or policies;

   (e) The Commission finds that the actual use of the facility is
   inconsistent with what was set forth in the registrant's application;

   (f) The Commission finds that the frequency coordination exhibit, upon
   which the granted registration is based, is incomplete or does not
   conform with established coordination procedures.

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Goto Section: 25.161 | 25.163

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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