Goto Section: 25.213 | 25.215 | Table of Contents

FCC 25.214
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  25.214   Technical requirements for space stations in the Satellite
Digital Audio Radio Service and associated terrestrial repeaters.

   (a) Definitions.

   (1) Allocated bandwidth. The term "allocated bandwidth" refers to the
   entry in the Table of Frequency Allocations of a given frequency band
   for the purpose of its use by one or more terrestrial or space
   radiocommunication services under specified conditions. This term shall
   be applied to the 2310-2360 MHz band for satellite DARS.

   (2) Frequency Assignment. The term "frequency assignment" refers to the
   authorization given by the Commission for a radio station to use a
   radio frequency or radio frequency channel under specified conditions.
   This term shall be applied to the two frequency bands (A) 2320.0-2332.5
   MHz and (B) 2332.5-2340.0 MHz for satellite DARS.

   (b) Each system authorized under this section will be conditioned upon
   construction, launch and operation milestones as outlined in
   §  25.144(b). The failure to meet any of the milestones contained in an
   authorization will result in its cancellation, unless such failure is
   due to circumstances beyond the licensee's control or unless otherwise
   determined by the Commission upon proper showing by the licensee in any
   particular case.

   (c) Frequency assignments will be made for each satellite DARS system
   as follows:

   (1) Exclusive satellite DARS licenses are limited to the 2320-2345 MHz
   band segment of the allocated bandwidth for satellite DARS;

   (2) Two, 12.5 MHz frequency assignments are available for satellite
   DAR§  2320.0-2332.5 MHz and 2332.5-2345.0 MHz;

   (3) Satellite DARS licensees may reduce their assigned bandwidth
   occupancy to provide telemetry beacons in their exclusive frequency

   (4) Each licensee may employ cross polarization within its exclusive
   frequency assignment and/or may employ cross polarized transmissions in
   frequency assignments of other satellite DARS licensees under mutual
   agreement with those licensees. Licensees who come to mutual agreement
   to use cross-polarized transmissions shall apply to the Commission for
   approval of the agreement before coordination is initiated with other
   administrations by the licensee of the exclusive frequency assignment;

   (5) Feeder uplink networks are permitted in the following
   Fixed-Satellite Service frequency bands: 7025-7075 MHz and 6725-7025
   MHz (101DEG W.L. orbital location only).

   (d) Power limit for SDARS terrestrial repeaters. (1) SDARS terrestrial
   repeaters must be operated at a power level less than or equal to 12-kW
   average EIRP, with a maximum peak-to-average power ratio of 13 dB.

   (2) SDARS repeaters are permitted to operate at power levels above
   12-kW average EIRP, unless a potentially affected WCS licensee provides
   written notice that it intends to commence commercial service within
   the following 365 days. Starting 180 days after receipt of such written
   notice, SDARS repeaters within the area notified by the potentially
   affected WCS licensee must be operated at a power level less than or
   equal to 12-kW average EIRP, with a maximum peak-to-average power ratio
   of 13 dB.

   (3) For the purpose of this section, a WCS licensee is potentially
   affected if it is authorized to operate a base station in the 2305-2315
   MHz or 2350-2360 MHz bands within 25 kilometers of a repeater seeking
   to operate with a power level greater than that prescribed in paragraph
   (d)(1) of this section.

   [ 62 FR 11106 , Mar. 11, 1997, as amended at  75 FR 45068 , Aug. 2, 2010;
    78 FR 8429 , Feb. 6, 2013;  78 FR 9619 , Feb. 11, 2013]

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Goto Section: 25.213 | 25.215

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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