Goto Section: 25.215 | 25.217 | Table of Contents

FCC 25.216
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  25.216   Limits on emissions from mobile earth stations for protection of
aeronautical radionavigation-satellite service.

   (a) The e.i.r.p. density of emissions from mobile earth stations placed
   in service on or before July 21, 2002 with assigned uplink frequencies
   between 1610 MHz and 1660.5 MHz shall not exceed -70 dBW/MHz, averaged
   over any 2 millisecond active transmission interval, in the band
   1559-1587.42 MHz. The e.i.r.p. of discrete emissions of less than 700
   Hz bandwidth generated by such stations shall not exceed -80 dBW,
   averaged over any 2 millisecond active transmission interval, in that

   (b) The e.i.r.p. density of emissions from mobile earth stations placed
   in service on or before July 21, 2002 with assigned uplink frequencies
   between 1610 MHz and 1626.5 MHz shall not exceed -64 dBW/MHz, averaged
   over any 2 millisecond active transmission interval, in the band
   1587.42-1605 MHz. The e.i.r.p. of discrete emissions of less than 700
   Hz bandwidth generated by such stations shall not exceed -74 dBW,
   averaged over any 2 millisecond active transmission interval, in the
   1587.42-1605 MHz band.

   (c) The e.i.r.p. density of emissions from mobile earth stations placed
   in service after July 21, 2002 with assigned uplink frequencies between
   1610 MHz and 1660.5 MHz shall not exceed -70 dBW/MHz, averaged over any
   2 millisecond active transmission interval, in the band 1559-1605 MHz.
   The e.i.r.p. of discrete emissions of less than 700 Hz bandwidth from
   such stations shall not exceed -80 dBW, averaged over any 2 millisecond
   active transmission interval, in the 1559-1605 MHz band.

   (d) As of January 1, 2005, the e.i.r.p. density of emissions from
   mobile earth stations placed in service on or before July 21, 2002 with
   assigned uplink frequencies between 1610 MHz and 1660.5 MHz (except
   Standard A and B Inmarsat terminals used as Global Maritime Distress
   and Safety System ship earth stations) shall not exceed -70dBW/MHz,
   averaged over any 2 millisecond active transmission interval, in the
   1559-1605 MHz band. The e.i.r.p. of discrete emissions of less than 700
   Hz bandwidth from such stations shall not exceed -80 dBW, averaged over
   any 2 millisecond active transmission interval, in the 1559-1605 MHz
   band. Standard A Inmarsat terminals used as Global Maritime Distress
   and Safety System ship earth stations that do not meet the e.i.r.p.
   density limits specified in this paragraph may continue operation until
   December 31, 2007. Inmarsat-B terminals manufactured more than six
   months after Federal Register publication of the rule changes adopted
   in FCC 03-283 must meet these limits. Inmarsat B terminals manufactured
   before then are temporarily grandfathered under the condition that no
   interference is caused by these terminals to aeronautical satellite
   radio-navigation systems. The full-compliance deadline for
   grandfathered Inmarsat-B terminals is December 31, 2012.

   (e) The e.i.r.p density of emissions from mobile earth stations with
   assigned uplink frequencies between 1990 MHz and 2025 MHz shall not
   exceed -70 dBW/MHz, averaged over any 2 millisecond active transmission
   interval, in frequencies between 1559 MHz and 1610 MHz. The e.i.r.p. of
   discrete emissions of less than 700 Hz bandwidth from such stations
   between 1559 MHz and 1605 MHz shall not exceed -80 dBW, averaged over
   any 2 millisecond active transmission interval. The e.i.r.p. of
   discrete emissions of less than 700 Hz bandwidth from such stations
   between 1605 MHz and 1610 MHz manufactured more than six months after
   Federal Register publication of the rule changes adopted in FCC 03-283
   shall not exceed -80 dBW, averaged over any 2 millisecond active
   transmission interval.

   (f) Mobile earth stations placed in service after July 21, 2002 with
   assigned uplink frequencies in the 1610-1660.5 MHz band shall suppress
   the power density of emissions in the 1605-1610 MHz band to an extent
   determined by linear interpolation from -70 dBW/MHz at 1605 MHz to -10
   dBW/MHz at 1610 MHz.

   (g) Mobile earth stations manufactured more than six months after
   Federal Register publication of the rule changes adopted in FCC 03-283
   with assigned uplink frequencies in the 1610-1626.5 MHz band shall
   suppress the power density of emissions in the 1605-1610 MHz
   band-segment to an extent determined by linear interpolation from -70
   dBW/MHz at 1605 MHz to -10 dBW/MHz at 1610 MHz averaged over any 2
   millisecond active transmission interval. The e.i.r.p of discrete
   emissions of less than 700 Hz bandwidth from such stations shall not
   exceed a level determined by linear interpolation from -80 dBW at 1605
   MHz to -20 dBW at 1610 MHz, averaged over any 2 millisecond active
   transmission interval.

   (h) Mobile earth stations manufactured more than six months after
   Federal Register publication of the rule changes adopted in FCC 03-283
   with assigned uplink frequencies in the 1626.5-1660.5 MHz band shall
   suppress the power density of emissions in the 1605-1610 MHz
   band-segment to an extent determined by linear interpolation from -70
   dBW/MHz at 1605 MHz to -46 dBW/MHz at 1610 MHz, averaged over any 2
   millisecond active transmission interval. The e.i.r.p of discrete
   emissions of less than 700 Hz bandwidth from such stations shall not
   exceed a level determined by linear interpolation from -80 dBW at 1605
   MHz to -56 dBW at 1610 MHz, averaged over any 2 millisecond active
   transmission interval.

   (i) The e.i.r.p density of carrier-off state emissions from mobile
   earth stations manufactured more than six months after Federal Register
   publication of the rule changes adopted in FCC 03-283 with assigned
   uplink frequencies between 1 and 3 GHz shall not exceed -80 dBW/MHz in
   the 1559-1610 MHz band averaged over any two millisecond interval.

   (j) A Root-Mean-Square detector shall be used for all power density

   [ 69 FR 5710 , Feb. 6, 2004, as amended at  70 FR 19318 , Apr. 13, 2005]

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Goto Section: 25.215 | 25.217

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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