Goto Section: 25.273 | 25.275 | Table of Contents

FCC 25.274
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  25.274   Procedures to be followed in the event of harmful interference.

   (a) The earth station operator whose transmission is suffering harmful
   interference shall first check the earth station equipment to ensure
   that the equipment is functioning properly.

   (b) The earth station operator shall then check all other earth
   stations in the licensee's network that could be causing the harmful
   interference to ensure that none of them is the source of the
   interference and to verify that the interference is not from a local
   terrestrial source.

   (c) After the earth station operator has determined that the source of
   the interference is not another earth station operating in the same
   network or from a terrestrial source, the earth station operator shall
   contact the satellite system control center and advise the satellite
   operator of the problem. The control center operator shall observe the
   interference incident and make reasonable efforts to determine the
   source of the problem. A record shall be maintained by the control
   center operator and the earth station operator of all harmful
   interference incidents and their resolution. These records shall be
   made available to an FCC representative on request.

   (d) Where the suspected source of the interference incident is the
   operation of an earth station licensed to operate on one or more of the
   satellites in the satellite operator's system, the control center
   operator shall advise the offending earth station of the harmful
   interference incident and assist in the resolution of the problem where
   reasonably possible.

   (e) The earth station licensee whose operations are suspected of
   causing harmful interference to the operations of another earth station
   shall take reasonable measures to determine whether its operations are
   the source of the harmful interference problem. Where the operations of
   the suspect earth station are the source of the interference, the
   licensee of that earth station shall take all measures necessary to
   resolve the interference.

   (f) Where the earth station suspected of causing harmful interference
   to the operations of another earth station cannot be identified or is
   identified as an earth station operating on a satellite system other
   than the one on which the earth station suffering harmful interference
   is operating, it is the responsibility of a representative of the earth
   station suffering harmful interference to contact the control center of
   other satellite systems. The operator of the earth station suffering
   harmful interference is free to choose any representative to make this
   contact, including but not limited to the operator of the satellite
   system on which the earth station is operating. The operator of the
   earth station suffering harmful interference is also free to contact
   the control center of the other satellite systems directly.

   (g) At any point, the system control center operator may contact the
   Commission's Columbia Operations Center in Columbia, Maryland, to
   assist in resolving the matter. This office specializes in the
   resolution of satellite interference problems. All licensees are
   required to cooperate fully with the Commission in any investigation of
   interference problems.

   [ 58 FR 13421 , Mar. 11, 1993, as amended at  62 FR 5931 , Feb. 10, 1997;
    70 FR 32257 , June 2, 2005;  78 FR 8431 , Feb. 6, 2013]

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Goto Section: 25.273 | 25.275

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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