Goto Section: 25.279 | 25.281 | Table of Contents

FCC 25.280
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  25.280   Inclined orbit operations.

   (a) Satellite operators may commence operation in inclined orbit mode
   without obtaining prior Commission authorization provided that the
   Commission is notified by letter within 30 days after the last
   north-south station keeping maneuver. The notification shall include:

   (1) The operator's name;

   (2) The date of commencement of inclined orbit operation;

   (3) The initial inclination;

   (4) The rate of change in inclination per year; and

   (5) The expected end-of-life of the satellite accounting for inclined
   orbit operation, and the maneuvers specified under §  25.283 of the
   Commission's rules.

   (b) Licensees operating in inclined-orbit are required to:

   (1) Periodically correct the satellite attitude to achieve a stationary
   spacecraft antenna pattern on the surface of the Earth and centered on
   the satellite's designated service area;

   (2) Control all electrical interference to adjacent satellites, as a
   result of operating in an inclined orbit, to levels not to exceed that
   which would be caused by the satellite operating without an inclined

   (3) Not claim protection in excess of the protection that would be
   received by the satellite network operating without an inclined orbit;

   (4) Continue to maintain the space station at the authorized longitude
   orbital location in the geostationary satellite arc with the
   appropriate east-west station-keeping tolerance.

   [ 69 FR 54587 , Sept. 9, 2004]

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Goto Section: 25.279 | 25.281

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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