Goto Section: 27.1031 | 27.1101 | Table of Contents

FCC 27.1041
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  27.1041   Termination of cost-sharing obligations.

   (a) The cost-sharing obligation adopted in this subpart for the Lower H
   Block and for the Upper H Block will sunset ten years after the first
   license is issued in the respective band.

   (b) A Lower H Block licensee and an Upper H Block licensee must satisfy
   in full its payment obligations under this subpart K within thirty days
   of the grant of its long-form application. The failure to timely
   satisfy a payment obligation in full prior to the applicable sunset
   date will not terminate the debt owed or a party's right to collect the

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Subpart L--1710-1755 MHz, 2110-2155 MHz, 2000-2020 MHz, and 2180-2200 MHz

   Source:  69 FR 5716 , Feb. 6, 2004, unless otherwise noted.

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Licensing and Competitive Bidding Provisions

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Goto Section: 27.1031 | 27.1101

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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