Goto Section: 27.604 | 27.701 | Table of Contents

FCC 27.607
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  27.607   Performance requirements and annual reporting requirement.

   (a) Guard Band licensees are subject to the performance requirements
   specified in §  27.14(a).

   (b) Guard Band licensees are required to file an annual report
   providing the Commission with information about the manner in which
   their spectrum is being utilized. Such reports shall be filed with the
   Commission on a calendar year basis, no later than the March 1
   following the close of each calendar year, unless another filing date
   is specified by Public Notice.

   (c) Guard Band licensees must, at a minimum, include the following
   information in their annual reports:

   (1) The total number of spectrum lessees;

   (2) The amount of the licensee's spectrum being used pursuant to
   spectrum lease agreements;

   (3) The nature of the spectrum use of the licensee's customers; and,

   (4) The length of term of each spectrum lease agreement, and whether
   the agreement is a spectrum manager lease agreement, or a de facto
   transfer lease agreement.

   (d) The specific information that licensees will provide and the
   procedures that they will follow in submitting their annual reports
   will be announced in a Public Notice issued by the Wireless
   Telecommunications Bureau.

   [ 72 FR 27713 , May 16, 2007]

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Subpart H--Competitive Bidding Procedures for the 698-746 MHz Band

   Source:  67 FR 5512 , Feb. 6, 2002, unless otherwise noted.

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Goto Section: 27.604 | 27.701

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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