Goto Section: 32.7400 | 32.7600 | Table of Contents

FCC 32.7500
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  32.7500   Interest and related items.

   (a) This account shall include the current accruals of interest on all
   classes of funded debt the principal of which is includable in Account
   4200, Long term debt and funded debt. It shall also include the
   interest on funded debt the maturity of which has been extended by
   specific agreement. This account shall be kept so that the interest on
   each class of funded debt may be shown separately in the annual reports
   to this Commission.

   (b) These accounts shall not include charges for interest on funded
   debt issued or assumed by the company and held by or for it, whether
   pledged as collateral or held in its treasury, in special deposits or
   in sinking or other funds.

   (c) Interest expressly provided for and included in the face amount of
   securities issued shall be charged at the time of issuance to Account
   1280, Prepayments, and cleared to this account as the term expires to
   which the interest applies.

   (d) This account shall also include monthly amortization of balances in
   Account 4200, Long-term debt and funded debt.

   (e) This account shall include the interest portion of each capital
   lease payment.

   (f) This account shall include the monthly amortization of the balances
   in Account 1410, Other noncurrent assets.

   (g) This account shall include all interest deductions not provided for
   elsewhere, e.g., discount, premium, and expense on notes maturing one
   year or less from date of issue.

   (h) A list of representative items of indebtedness, the interest on
   which is chargeable to this account, follows:

   (1) Advances from affiliated companies;

   (2) Advances from nonaffiliated companies and other liabilities;

   (3) Assessments for public improvements past due;

   (4) Bond coupons, matured and unpaid;

   (5) Claims and judgments;

   (6) Customers' deposits;

   (7) Funded debt mature, with respect to which a definite agreement as
   to extension has not been made;

   (8) Notes payable on demand or maturing one year or less from date of

   (9) Open accounts;

   (10) Tax assessments, past due; and

   (11) Discount, premium, and issuance expense of notes maturing one year
   or less from date of issue.

   [ 67 FR 5699 , Feb. 6, 2002]

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Goto Section: 32.7400 | 32.7600

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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