Goto Section: 36.3 | 36.101 | Table of Contents

FCC 36.4
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  36.4   Streamlining procedures for processing petitions for waiver of
study area boundaries.

   Effective January 1, 2012, local exchange carriers seeking a change in
   study area boundaries shall be subject to the following procedure:

   (a) Public Notice and Review Period. Upon determination by the Wireline
   Competition Bureau that a petitioner has filed a complete petition for
   study area waiver and that the petition is appropriate for streamlined
   treatment, the Wireline Competition Bureau will issue a public notice
   seeking comment on the petition. Unless otherwise notified by the
   Wireline Competition Bureau, the petitioner is permitted to alter its
   study area boundaries on the 60th day after the reply comment due date,
   but only in accordance with the boundary changes proposed in its

   (b) Comment Cycle. Comments on petitions for waiver may be filed during
   the first 30 days following public notice, and reply comments may be
   filed during the first 45 days following public notice, unless the
   public notice specifies a different pleading cycle. All comments on
   petitions for waiver shall be filed electronically, and shall satisfy
   such other filing requirements as may be specified in the public

   [ 76 FR 73853 , Nov. 29, 2011]

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Subpart B--Telecommunications Property

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Goto Section: 36.3 | 36.101

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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