Goto Section: 4.9 | 4.13 | Table of Contents

FCC 4.11
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  4.11   Notification and initial and final communications outage reports
that must be filed by communications providers.

   Notification and Initial and Final Communications Outage Reports shall
   be submitted by a person authorized by the communications provider to
   submit such reports to the Commission. The person submitting the Final
   report to the Commission shall also be authorized by the provider to
   legally bind the provider to the truth, completeness, and accuracy of
   the information contained in the report. Each Final report shall be
   attested by the person submitting the report that he/she has read the
   report prior to submitting it and on oath deposes and states that the
   information contained therein is true, correct, and accurate to the
   best of his/her knowledge and belief and that the communications
   provider on oath deposes and states that this information is true,
   complete, and accurate. The Notification shall provide: The name of the
   reporting entity; the date and time of onset of the outage; a brief
   description of the problem; service effects; the geographic area
   affected by the outage; and a contact name and contact telephone number
   by which the Commission's technical staff may contact the reporting
   entity. The Initial and Final Reports shall contain the information
   required in this part 4. The Initial report shall contain all pertinent
   information then available on the outage and shall be submitted in good
   faith. The Final report shall contain all pertinent information on the
   outage, including any information that was not contained in, or that
   has changed from that provided in, the Initial report. The Notification
   and the Initial and Final Communications Outage Reports are to be
   submitted electronically to the Commission. "Submitted electronically"
   refers to submission of the information using Commission-approved
   Web-based outage report templates. If there are technical impediments
   to using the Web-based system during the Notification stage, then a
   written Notification to the Commission by e-mail, FAX, or courier may
   be used; such Notification shall contain the information required. All
   hand-delivered Notifications and Initial and Final Communications
   Outage Reports, shall be addressed to the Federal Communications
   Commission, The Office of Secretary, Attention: Chief, Public Safety &
   Homeland Security Bureau. Electronic filing shall be effectuated in
   accordance with procedures that are specified by the Commission by
   public notice.

   [ 71 FR 69037 , Nov. 29, 2006]

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Goto Section: 4.9 | 4.13

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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