Goto Section: 5.311 | 5.401 | Table of Contents

FCC 5.313
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
ยง  5.313   Innovation zones.

   (a) An innovation zone is a specified geographic location with
   pre-authorized boundary conditions (such as frequency band, maximum
   power, etc.) created by the Commission on its own motion or in response
   to a request from the public. Innovation zones will be announced via
   public notice and posted on the Commission's program experimental
   registration Web site.

   (b) A program experimental licensee may conduct experiments in an
   innovation zone consistent with the specified boundary conditions
   without specific authorization from the Commission. All licensees
   operating under this authority must comply with the requirements and
   limitations set forth for program licensees in this part, including
   providing notification of its intended operations on the program
   experimental registration Web site prior to operation.

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Subpart F--Medical Testing Experimental Radio Licenses

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Goto Section: 5.311 | 5.401

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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