Goto Section: 5.89 | 5.93 | Table of Contents

FCC 5.91
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  5.91   Notification to the National Radio Astronomy Observatory.

   In order to minimize possible harmful interference at the National
   Radio Astronomy Observatory site located at Green Bank, Pocahontas
   County, West Virginia, and at the Naval Radio Research Observatory site
   at Sugar Grove, Pendleton County, West Virginia, any applicant for an
   Experimental Radio Service station authorization other than a mobile,
   temporary base, or temporary fixed station, within the area bounded by
   39DEG15' N on the north, 78DEG30' W on the east, 37DEG30' N on the
   south and 80DEG30' W on the west shall, at the time of filing such
   application with the Commission, simultaneously notify the Director,
   National Radio Astronomy Observatory, P.O. Box NZ2, Green Bank, West
   Virginia 24944, in writing, of the technical particulars of the
   proposed station. Such notification shall include the geographical
   coordinates of the antenna, antenna height, antenna directivity if any,
   frequency, type of emission, and power. In addition, the applicant
   shall indicate in its application to the Commission the date
   notification was made to the Observatory. After receipt of such
   applications, the Commission will allow a period of twenty (20) days
   for comments or objections in response to the notifications indicated.
   If an objection to the proposed operation is received during the
   twenty-day period from the National Radio Astronomy Observatory for
   itself or on behalf of the Naval Radio Research Observatory, the
   Commission will consider all aspects of the problem and take whatever
   action is deemed appropriate.

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Goto Section: 5.89 | 5.93

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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