Goto Section: 51.901 | 51.905 | Table of Contents

FCC 51.903
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  51.903   Definitions.

   For the purposes of this subpart:

   (a) Competitive Local Exchange Carrier. A Competitive Local Exchange
   Carrier is any local exchange carrier, as defined in §  51.5, that is
   not an incumbent local exchange carrier .

   (b) Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate means terminating End
   Office Access Service revenue, calculated using demand for a given time
   period, divided by end office switching minutes for the same time

   (c) Dedicated Transport Access Service means originating and
   terminating transport on circuits dedicated to the use of a single
   carrier or other customer provided by an incumbent local exchange
   carrier or any functional equivalent of the incumbent local exchange
   carrier access service provided by a non-incumbent local exchange
   carrier. Dedicated Transport Access Service rate elements for an
   incumbent local exchange carrier include the entrance facility rate
   elements specified in §  69.110 of this chapter, the dedicated
   transport rate elements specified in §  69.111 of this chapter, the
   direct-trunked transport rate elements specified in §  69.112 of this
   chapter, and the intrastate rate elements for functionally equivalent
   access services. Dedicated Transport Access Service rate elements for a
   non-incumbent local exchange carrier include any functionally
   equivalent access services.

   (d) End Office Access Service means:

   (1) The switching of access traffic at the carrier's end office switch
   and the delivery to or from of such traffic to the called party's

   (2) The routing of interexchange telecommunications traffic to or from
   the called party's premises, either directly or via contractual or
   other arrangements with an affiliated or unaffiliated entity,
   regardless of the specific functions provided or facilities used; or

   (3) Any functional equivalent of the incumbent local exchange carrier
   access service provided by a non-incumbent local exchange carrier. End
   Office Access Service rate elements for an incumbent local exchange
   carrier include the local switching rate elements specified in
   §  69.106 of this chapter, the carrier common line rate elements
   specified in §  69.154 of this chapter, and the intrastate rate
   elements for functionally equivalent access services. End Office Access
   Service rate elements for an incumbent local exchange carrier also
   include any rate elements assessed on local switching access minutes,
   including the information surcharge and residual rate elements. End
   office Access Service rate elements for a non-incumbent local exchange
   carrier include any functionally equivalent access service.

   Note to paragraph ( d ): For incumbent local exchange carriers,
   residual rate elements may include, for example, state Transport
   Interconnection Charges, Residual Interconnection Charges, and PICCs.
   For non-incumbent local exchange carriers, residual rate elements may
   include any functionally equivalent access service.

   (e) Fiscal Year 2011 means October 1, 2010 through September 30, 2011.

   (f) Price Cap Carrier has the same meaning as that term is defined in
   §  61.3(aa) of this chapter.

   (g) Rate-of-Return Carrier is any incumbent local exchange carrier not
   subject to price cap regulation as that term is defined in §  61.3(aa)
   of this chapter, but only with respect to the territory in which it
   operates as an incumbent local exchange carrier.

   (h) Access Reciprocal Compensation means telecommunications traffic
   exchanged between telecommunications service providers that is
   interstate or intrastate exchange access, information access, or
   exchange services for such access, other than special access.

   (i) Tandem-Switched Transport Access Service means:

   (1) Tandem switching and common transport between the tandem switch and
   end office; or

   (2) Any functional equivalent of the incumbent local exchange carrier
   access service provided by a non-incumbent local exchange carrier via
   other facilities. Tandem-Switched Transport rate elements for an
   incumbent local exchange carrier include the rate elements specified in
   §  69.111 of this chapter, except for the dedicated transport rate
   elements specified in that section, and intrastate rate elements for
   functionally equivalent service. Tandem Switched Transport Access
   Service rate elements for a non-incumbent local exchange carrier
   include any functionally equivalent access service.

   (j) Transitional Intrastate Access Service means terminating End Office
   Access Service that was subject to intrastate access rates as of
   December 31, 2011; terminating Tandem-Switched Transport Access Service
   that was subject to intrastate access rates as of December 31, 2011;
   and originating and terminating Dedicated Transport Access Service that
   was subject to intrastate access rates as of December 31, 2011.

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Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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