Goto Section: 53.3 | 53.203 | Table of Contents

FCC 53.201
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  53.201   Services for which a section 272 affiliate is required.

   For the purposes of applying section 272(a)(2) of the Act:

   (a) Previously authorized activities. When providing previously
   authorized activities described in section 271(f) of the Act, a BOC
   shall comply with the following:

   (1) A BOC shall provide previously authorized interLATA information
   services and manufacturing activities through a section 272 affiliate
   no later than February 8, 1997.

   (2) A BOC shall provide previously authorized interLATA
   telecommunications services in accordance with the terms and conditions
   of the orders entered by the United States District Court for the
   District of Columbia pursuant to section VII or VIII(C) of the AT&T
   Consent Decree that authorized such services.

   (b) InterLATA information services. A BOC shall provide an interLATA
   information service through a section 272 affiliate when it provides
   the interLATA telecommunications transmission component of the service
   either over its own facilities, or by reselling the interLATA
   telecommunications services of an interexchange provider.

   (c) Out-of-region interLATA information services. A BOC shall provide
   out-of-region interLATA information services through a section 272

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Goto Section: 53.3 | 53.203

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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