Goto Section: 54.634 | 54.636 | Table of Contents

FCC 54.635
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  54.635   Eligible equipment.

   (a) Both individual and consortium applicants may receive support for
   network equipment necessary to make functional an eligible service that
   is supported under the Healthcare Connect Fund.

   (b) Consortium applicants may also receive support for network
   equipment necessary to manage, control, or maintain an eligible service
   or a dedicated health care broadband network. Support for network
   equipment is not available for networks that are not dedicated to
   health care.

   (c) Network equipment eligible for support includes the following:

   (1) Equipment that terminates a carrier's or other provider's
   transmission facility and any router/switch that is directly connected
   to either the facility or the terminating equipment. This includes
   equipment required to light dark fiber, or equipment necessary to
   connect dedicated health care broadband networks or individual health
   care providers to middle mile or backbone networks;

   (2) Computers, including servers, and related hardware ( e.g. printers,
   scanners, laptops) that are used exclusively for network management;

   (3) Software used for network management, maintenance, or other network
   operations, and development of software that supports network
   management, maintenance, and other network operations;

   (4) Costs of engineering, furnishing ( i.e. as delivered from the
   manufacturer), and installing network equipment; and

   (5) Equipment that is a necessary part of health care provider-owned
   network facilities.

   (d) Additional limitations: Support for network equipment is limited to

   (1) Purchased or leased by a Consortium Leader or eligible health care
   provider; and

   (2) Used for health care purposes.

   [ 78 FR 13986 , Mar. 1, 2013]

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Goto Section: 54.634 | 54.636

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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