Goto Section: 54.805 | 54.807 | Table of Contents

FCC 54.806
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  54.806   Calculation by the Administrator of interstate access universal
service support for areas served by price cap local exchange carriers.

   (a) The Administrator, based on the calculations performed in
   § §  54.804 and 54.805, shall calculate the Interstate Access Universal
   Service Support for areas served by price cap local exchange carriers
   according to the following methodology:

   (b) Calculate Nationwide Total Above Benchmark Revenues. Nationwide
   Total Above Benchmark Revenues is the sum of all Study Area Above
   Benchmark Revenues for all study areas served by local exchange

   (c) Calculate Preliminary Study Area Universal Service Support

   (1) If the Nationwide Total Above Benchmark Revenues is greater than
   $650 million, then the Preliminary Study Area Universal Service Support
   (PSAUSS) equals the Study Area Above Benchmark Revenues multiplied by
   the ratio of $650 million to Nationwide Total Above Benchmark Revenues
   ( i.e., Preliminary Study Area Universal Service Support = Study Area
   Above Benchmark Revenues *($650 Million/Nationwide Total Above
   Benchmark Revenues)).

   (2) If the Nationwide Total Above Benchmark Revenues is not greater
   than $650 million, PSAUSS equals the Study Area Above Benchmark

   (d) Calculate the Minimum Delta (MD) by study area. Within each study
   area the Minimum Delta will be equal to the Preliminary Minimum Access
   Universal Service Support less the PSAUSS, if the difference is greater
   than zero. If the difference is less than or equal to zero, the MD is
   equal to zero.

   (e) Calculate the Total National Minimum Delta (TNMD) by summing all
   study area Minimum Deltas nationwide.

   (f) Calculate the Minimum Adjustment Amount. (1) If the TNMD is greater
   than $75 million, then the Minimum Adjustment Amount (MAA) equals the
   MAA Phase In Percentage times the MD by study area times the ratio of
   $75 million to TNMD.

   (2) If the TNMD is less than $75 million, then the MAA equals the
   product of the MAA Phase In Percentage and the MD by study area.

   (g) Calculate the Minimum Support Requirement (MSR). The Minimum
   Support Requirement for a study area equals the PSAUSS plus the MAA.

   (h) Calculate the Total National Minimum Support Requirement (TNMSR),
   which equals the sum of the MSR for all study areas in which the
   Preliminary Minimum Access Universal Service Support is greater than or
   equal to the PSAUSS.

   (i) Calculate Study Area Access Universal Service Support (SAAUS) for a
   study area in which the price cap local exchange carrier has
   geographically deaveraged state-approved rates for UNE loops:

   (1) For study areas in which the Preliminary Minimum Access Universal
   Service Support is greater than PSAUSS, and within which the price cap
   local exchange carrier has established geographically deaveraged
   state-approved rates for UNE loops, the SAAUS for that study area is
   the MSR.

   (2) For study areas in which the Preliminary Minimum Access Universal
   Service Support is less than PSAUSS, and within which the price cap
   local exchange carrier has established geographically deaveraged
   state-approved rates for UNE loops, the SAAUS for that study area is
   equal to:

   PSAUSS * ($650 million - TNMSR) -: (the sum of PSAUSS of study areas
   where the Preliminary Minimum Access Universal Service Support is less
   than PSAUSS).

   (j) Calculate Study Area Access Universal Service Support (SAAUS) for a
   price cap local exchange carrier that has not established
   geographically deaveraged state-approved rates for UNE loops. In such
   study areas, the SAAUS shall be the lesser of the Preliminary Minimum
   Access Universal Service Support or:

   (1) For study areas in which the Preliminary Minimum Access Universal
   Service Support is greater than PSAUSS, and for which an estimate has
   been made for deaveraged UNE loop costs, the SAAUS for that study area
   is the MSR.

   (2) For study areas in which the Preliminary Minimum Access Universal
   Service Support is less than PSAUSS, and for which an estimate has been
   made for deaveraged UNE loop costs, the SAAUS for that study area is
   equal to:

   PSAUSS * ($650 million - TNMSR) -: (the sum of PSAUSS of study areas
   where the Preliminary Minimum Access Universal Service Support is less
   than PSAUSS).

   [ 65 FR 38690 , June 21, 2000;  65 FR 57740 , Sept. 26, 2000]

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Goto Section: 54.805 | 54.807

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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