Goto Section: 61.86 | 61.131 | Table of Contents

FCC 61.87
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  61.87   Cancellation of tariffs.

   (a) An issuing carrier may cancel an entire tariff. Cancellation of a
   tariff automatically cancels every page and supplement to that tariff
   except for the canceling Title Page or first page.

   (1) If the existing service(s) will be provided under another carrier's
   tariff, then

   (i) The issuing carrier whose tariff is being canceled must revise the
   Title Page or the first page of its tariff indicating that the tariff
   is no longer effective, or

   (ii) The issuing carrier under whose tariff the service(s) will be
   provided must revise the Title Page or first page of the tariff to be
   canceled, using the name and numbering shown in the heading of the
   tariff to be canceled, indicating that the tariff is no longer
   effective. This carrier must also file with the Commission the new
   tariff provisions reflecting the service(s) being canceled. Both
   filings must be effective on the same date and may be filed under the
   same transmittal.

   (2) If a carrier canceling its tariff intends to cease to provide
   existing service, then it must revise the Title Page or first page of
   its tariff indicating that the tariff is no longer effective.

   (3) A carrier canceling its tariff, as described in this section, must
   comply with § §  61.54(b)(1) and 61.54(b)(5), as applicable.

   (b) When a carrier cancels a tariff as described in this section, the
   canceling Title Page or the first page of the canceled tariff must show
   where all rates and regulations will be found except for paragraph (c)
   of this section. The Title Page or first page of the new tariff must
   indicate the name of the carrier and tariff number where the canceled
   material had been found.

   (c) When a carrier ceases to provide service(s) without a successor, it
   must cancel its tariff pursuant to the notice requirements of §  61.58,
   as applicable, unless otherwise authorized by the Commission.

   [ 64 FR 46591 , Aug. 26, 1999, as amended at  76 FR 43216 , July 20, 2011]

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Subpart H--Concurrences

   Source:  49 FR 40869 , Oct. 18, 1984. Redesignated at  76 FR 43215 , July
   20, 2011, unless otherwise noted.

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Goto Section: 61.86 | 61.131

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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