Goto Section: 63.71 | 63.100 | Table of Contents

FCC 63.90
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  63.90   Publication and posting of notices.

   (a) Immediately upon the filing of an application or informal request
   (except a request under §  63.71) for authority to close or otherwise
   discontinue the operation, or reduce the hours of service at a
   telephone exchange (except an exchange located at a military
   establishment), the applicant shall post a public notice at least 51 cm
   by 61 cm (20 inches by 24 inches), with letter of commensurate size, in
   a conspicuous place in the exchange affected, and also in the window of
   any such exchange having window space fronting on a public street at
   street level. Such notice shall be posted at least 14 days and shall
   contain the following information, as may be applicable:

   (1) Date of first posting of notice;

   (2) Name of applicant;

   (3) A statement that application has been made to the Federal
   Communications Commission;

   (4) Date when application was filed in the Commission;

   (5) A description of the discontinuance, reduction, or impairment of
   service for which authority is sought including the address or other
   appropriate identification of the exchange or station involved;

   (6) If applicant proposes to reduce hours of service, a description of
   present and proposed hours of service;

   (7) A complete description of the substitute service, if any, to be
   provided if the application is granted.

   (8) A statement that any member of the public desiring to protest or
   support the application may communicate in writing with the Federal
   Communications Commission, Washington, DC 20554, on or before a
   specified date which shall be 20 days from the date of first posting of
   the notice.

   (b) Immediately upon the filing of an application or informal request
   of the nature described in paragraph (a) of this section, the applicant
   shall also cause to be published a notice of not less than 10 column
   centimeters (4 column inches) in size containing information similar to
   that specified in paragraph (a), at least once during each of 2
   consecutive weeks, in some newspaper of general circulation in the
   community or part of the community affected.

   (c) Immediately upon the filing of an application or informal request
   or upon the filing of a formal application to close a public toll
   station (except a toll station located at a military establishment),
   applicant shall post a public notice at least A3 (29.7 cm * 42.0 cm) or
   11 in * 17 in (27.9 cm * 43.2 cm) in size as provided in paragraph (a)
   of this section or, in lieu thereof, applicant shall cause to be
   published a newspaper notice as provided in paragraph (b) of this

   (d) Immediately upon the filing of any application or informal request
   for authority to discontinue, reduce, or impair service, or any notice
   of resumption of service under §  63.63(b), the applicant shall give
   written notice of the filing together with a copy of such application
   to the State Commission (as defined in section 3(t) of the
   Communications Act of 1934, as amended) of each State in which any
   discontinuance, reduction or impairment is proposed.

   (e) When the posting, publication, and notification as required in
   paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (d) of this section have been completed,
   applicant shall report such fact to the Commission, stating the name of
   the newspaper in which publication was made, the name of the
   Commissions notified, and the dates of posting, publication, and

   [ 45 FR 6585 , Jan. 29, 1980, as amended at  45 FR 76169 , Nov. 18, 1980;
    58 FR 44907 , Aug. 25, 1993;  60 FR 35510 , July 10, 1995]

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Goto Section: 63.71 | 63.100

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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