Goto Section: 64.5101 | 64.5105 | Table of Contents

FCC 64.5103
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  64.5103   Definitions.

   (a) Address of record. An "address of record," whether postal or
   electronic, is an address that the TRS provider has associated with the
   customer for at least 30 days.

   (b) Affiliate. The term "affiliate" shall have the same meaning given
   such term in section 3 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended,
   47 U.S.C. 153.

   (c) Call data information. The term "call data information" means any
   information that pertains to the handling of specific TRS calls,
   including the call record identification sequence, the communications
   assistant identification number, the session start and end times, the
   conversation start and end times, incoming and outbound telephone
   numbers, incoming and outbound internet protocol (IP) addresses, total
   conversation minutes, total session minutes, and the electronic serial
   number of the consumer device.

   (d) Communications assistant (CA). The term "communications assistant"
   or "CA" shall have the same meaning given to the term in §  64.601(a)
   of this part.

   (e) Customer. The term "customer" means a person:

   (1) To whom the TRS provider provides TRS or point-to-point service, or

   (2) Who is registered with the TRS provider as a default provider.

   (f) Customer proprietary network information (CPNI). The term "customer
   proprietary network information" or "CPNI" means information that
   relates to the quantity, technical configuration, type, destination,
   location, and amount of use of a telecommunications service used by any
   customer of a TRS provider; and information regarding a customer's use
   of TRS contained in the documentation submitted by a TRS provider to
   the TRS Fund administrator in connection with a request for
   compensation for the provision of TRS.

   (g) Customer premises equipment (CPE). The term "customer premises
   equipment" or "CPE" shall have the same meaning given to such term in
   section 3 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 153.

   (h) Default provider. The term "default provider" shall have the same
   meaning given such term in §  64.601(a) of this part.

   (i) Internet-based TRS (iTRS). The term "Internet-based TRS" or "iTRS
   shall have the same meaning given to the term in §  64.601(a) of this

   (j) iTRS access technology. The term "iTRS access technology" shall
   have the same meaning given to the term in §  64.601(a) of this part.

   (k) Opt-in approval. The term "opt-in approval" shall have the same
   meaning given such term in §  64.5107(b)(1) of this subpart.

   (l) Opt-out approval. The term "opt-out approval" shall have the same
   meaning given such term in §  64.5107(b)(2) of this subpart.

   (m) Point-to-point service. The term "point-to-point service" means a
   service that enables a VRS customer to place and receive non-relay
   calls without the assistance of a CA over the VRS provider facilities
   using VRS access technology. Such calls are made by means of ten-digit
   NANP numbers assigned to customers by VRS providers. The term
   "point-to-point call" shall refer to a call placed via a point-to-point

   (n) Readily available biographical information. The term "readily
   available biographical information" means information drawn from the
   customer's life history and includes such things as the customer's
   social security number, or the last four digits of that number;
   mother's maiden name; home address; or date of birth.

   (o) Sign language. The term "sign language" shall have the same meaning
   given to the term in §  64.601(a) of this part.

   (p) Telecommunications relay services (TRS). The term
   "telecommunications relay services" or "TRS" shall have the same
   meaning given to such term in §  64.601(a) of this part.

   (q) Telephone number of record. The term "telephone number of record"
   means the telephone number associated with the provision of TRS, which
   may or may not be the telephone number supplied as part of a customer's
   "contact information."

   (r) TRS Fund. The term "TRS Fund" shall have the same meaning given to
   the term in §  64.604(c)(5)(iii) of this part.

   (s) TRS provider. The term "TRS provider" means an entity that provides
   TRS and shall include an entity that provides point-to-point service.

   (t) TRS-related services. The term "TRS-related services" means, in the
   case of traditional TRS, services related to the provision or
   maintenance of customer premises equipment, and in the case of iTRS,
   services related to the provision or maintenance of iTRS access
   technology, including features and functions typically provided by TRS
   providers in association with iTRS access technology.

   (u) Valid photo ID. The term "valid photo ID" means a government-issued
   means of personal identification with a photograph such as a driver's
   license, passport, or comparable ID that has not expired.

   (v) Video relay service. The term "video relay service" or VRS shall
   have the same meaning given to the term in §  64.601(a) of this part.

   (w) VRS access technology. The term "VRS access technology" shall have
   the same meaning given to the term in §  64.601(a) of this part.

   Effective Date Note: At  78 FR 40613 , July 5, 2013, §  64.5104 was
   added. Paragraphs (c)(4) and (c)(5) contain information collection and
   recordkeeping requirements and will not become effective until approval
   has been given by the Office of Management and Budget.

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Goto Section: 64.5101 | 64.5105

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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