Goto Section: 65.500 | 65.700 | Table of Contents

FCC 65.600
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  65.600   Rate of return reports.

   (a) Subpart E shall apply to those interstate communications common
   carriers and exchange carriers that are so designated by Commission

   (b) Each local exchange carrier or group of affiliated carriers which
   is not subject to § §  61.41 through 61.49 of this chapter and which
   has filed individual access tariffs during the preceding enforcement
   period shall file with the Commission within three (3) months after the
   end of each calendar year, an annual rate of return monitoring report
   which shall be the enforcement period report. Reports shall be filed on
   the appropriate report form prescribed by the Commission (see §  1.795
   of this chapter) and shall provide full and specific answers to all
   questions propounded and information requested in the currently
   effective report form. The number of copies to be filed shall be
   specified in the applicable report form. At least one copy of the
   report shall be signed on the signature page by the responsible
   officer. A copy of each report shall be retained in the principal
   office of the respondent and shall be filed in such a manner as to be
   readily available for reference and inspection. Final adjustments to
   the enforcement period report shall be made by September 30 of the year
   following the enforcement period to ensure that any refunds can be
   properly reflected in an annual access filing.

   (c) Each interexchange carrier subject to § §  61.41 through 61.49
   shall file with the Commission, within three (3) months after the end
   of each calendar year, the total interstate rate of return for that
   year for all interstate services subject to regulation by the
   Commission. Each such filing shall include a report of the total
   revenues, total expenses and taxes, operating income, and the rate
   base. A copy of the filing shall be retained in the principal office of
   the respondent and shall be filed in such manner as to be readily
   available for reference and inspection.

   (d)(1) Each local exchange carrier or group of affiliated carriers
   subject to § §  61.41 through 61.49 of this chapter shall file with the
   Commission within three (3) months after the end of each calendar year
   a report of its total interstate rate of return for that year. Such
   filings shall include a report of the total revenues, total expenses
   and taxes, operating income, and the rate base. Reports shall be filed
   on the appropriate form prescribed by the Commission (see §  1.795 of
   this chapter) and shall provide full and specific answers to all
   questions propounded and information requested in the currently
   effective form. The number of copies to be filed shall be specified in
   the applicable report form. At least one copy of the report shall be
   retained in the principal office of the respondent and shall be filed
   in such manner as to be readily available for reference and inspection.

   (2) Each local exchange carrier or group of affiliated carriers subject
   to § §  61.41 through 61.49 of this chapter shall file with the
   Commission within fifteen (15) months after the end of each calendar
   year a report reflecting any corrections or modifications to the report
   filed pursuant to paragraph (d)(1) of this section. Reports shall be
   filed on the appropriate form prescribed by the Commission (see
   §  1.795 of this chapter) and shall provide full and specific answers
   to all questions propounded and information requested in the currently
   effective form. The number of copies to be filed shall be specified in
   the applicable report form. At least one copy of the report shall be
   retained in the principal office of the respondent and shall be filed
   in such manner as to be readily available for reference and inspection.

   [ 52 FR 274 , Jan. 5, 1987, as amended at  54 FR 19844 , May 8, 1989;  55 FR 42385 , Oct. 19, 1990;  56 FR 21617 , May 10, 1991;  62 FR 5166 , Feb. 4,

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Subpart F--Maximum Allowable Rates of Return

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Goto Section: 65.500 | 65.700

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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