Goto Section: 68.350 | 68.414 | Table of Contents

FCC 68.354
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  68.354   Numbering and labeling requirements for terminal equipment.

   (a) Terminal equipment and protective circuitry that is subject to a
   Supplier's Declaration of Conformity or that is certified by a
   Telecommunications Certification Body shall have labels in a place and
   manner required by the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments.

   (b) Terminal equipment labels shall include an identification numbering
   system in a manner required by the Administrative Council for Terminal

   (c) If the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments chooses to
   continue the practice of utilizing a designated "FCC" number, it shall
   include in its labeling requirements a warning that the Commission no
   longer directly approves or registers terminal equipment.

   (d) Labeling developed for terminal equipment by the Administrative
   Council on Terminal Attachments shall contain sufficient information
   for providers of wireline telecommunications, the Federal
   Communications Commission, and the U.S. Customs Service to carry out
   their functions, and for consumers to easily identify the responsible
   party of their terminal equipment. The numbering and labeling scheme
   shall be nondiscriminatory, creating no competitive advantage for any
   entity or segment of the industry.

   (e) FCC numbering and labeling requirements existing prior to the
   effective date of these rules shall remain unchanged until the
   Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments publishes its numbering
   and labeling requirements.

   [ 66 FR 7587 , Jan. 24, 2001, as amended at  67 FR 57182 , Sept. 9, 2002]

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Subpart E--Complaint Procedures

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Goto Section: 68.350 | 68.414

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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