Goto Section: 68.602 | 68.608 | Table of Contents

FCC 68.604
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  68.604   Requirements for submitting technical criteria.

   (a) Any standards development organization that is accredited under the
   American National Standards Institute's Organization Method or the
   Standards Committee Method (and their successor Method or Methods as
   ANSI may from time to time establish) may establish technical criteria
   for terminal equipment pursuant to ANSI consensus decision-making
   procedures, and it may submit such criteria to the Administrative
   Council for Terminal Attachments.

   (b) Any ANSI-accredited standards development organization that
   develops standards for submission to the Administrative Council for
   Terminal Attachments must implement and use procedures for the
   development of those standards that ensure openness equivalent to the
   Commission rulemaking process.

   (c) Any standards development organization that submits standards to
   the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments for publication as
   technical criteria shall certify to the Administrative Council for
   Terminal Attachments that:

   (1) The submitting standards development organization is
   ANSI-accredited to the Standards Committee Method or the Organization
   Method (or their successor Methods as amended from time to time by

   (2) The technical criteria that it proposes for publication do not
   conflict with any published technical criteria or with any technical
   criteria submitted and pending for publication, and

   (3) The technical criteria that it proposes for publication are limited
   to preventing harms to the public switched telephone network,
   identified in §  68.3 of this part.

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Goto Section: 68.602 | 68.608

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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