Goto Section: 69.152 | 69.154 | Table of Contents

FCC 69.153
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  69.153   Presubscribed interexchange carrier charge (PICC).

   (a) A charge expressed in dollars and cents per line may be assessed
   upon the Multi-line business subscriber's presubscribed interexchange
   carrier to recover revenues totaling Average Price Cap CMT Revenues per
   Line month times the number of base period lines less revenues
   recovered through the End User Common Line charge established under
   §  69.152 and Interstate Access Universal Service Support Per Line (as
   defined in §  54.807 of this chapter) multiplied by base period lines
   for the applicable customer class and zones receiving such support, up
   to a maximum of $4.31 per line per month. In the event the ceilings on
   the PICC prevent the PICC from recovering all the residual common
   line/marketing and residual interconnection charge revenues, the PICC
   shall recover all residual common line/marketing revenues before it
   recovers residual interconnection charge revenues.

   (b) If an end-user customer does not have a presubscribed interexchange
   carrier, the local exchange carrier may collect the PICC directly from
   the end user.

   (c) [Reserved]

   (d) Local exchange carriers shall assess no more than five PICCs as
   calculated under paragraph (a) of this section for Primary Rate
   Interface ISDN service.

   (e) The maximum monthly PICC for Centrex lines shall be one-ninth of
   the maximum charge determined under paragraph (a) of this section,
   except that if a Centrex customer has fewer than nine lines, the
   maximum monthly PICC for those lines shall be the maximum charge
   determined under paragraph (a) of this section divided by the
   customer's number of Centrex lines.

   (f) The PICC shall not be applicable to any payphone lines.

   (g)-(h) [Reserved]

   [ 65 FR 38703 , June 21, 2000;  65 FR 57744 , Sept. 26, 2000, as amended at
    68 FR 43329 , July 22, 2003]

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Goto Section: 69.152 | 69.154

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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