Goto Section: 69.713 | 69.727 | Table of Contents

FCC 69.725
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  69.725   Attribution of revenues to particular wire centers.

   If a price cap LEC elects to show, in accordance with §  69.709 or
   §  69.711, that competitors have collocated in wire centers accounting
   for a certain percentage of revenues from the services at issue, the
   LEC must make the following revenue allocations:

   (a) For entrance facilities and channel terminations between an IXC POP
   and a serving wire center, the petitioner shall attribute all the
   revenue to the serving wire center.

   (b) For channel terminations between a LEC end office and a customer
   premises, the petitioner shall attribute all the revenue to the LEC end

   (c) For any dedicated service routed through multiple wire centers, the
   petitioner shall attribute 50 percent of the revenue to the wire center
   at each end of the transmission path, unless the petitioner can make a
   convincing case in its petition that some other allocation would be
   more representative of the extent of competitive entry in the MSA or
   the non-MSA parts of the study area at issue.

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Goto Section: 69.713 | 69.727

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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