Goto Section: 73.1120 | 73.1150 | Table of Contents

FCC 73.1125
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  73.1125   Station main studio location.

   (a) Except for those stations described in paragraph (b) of this
   section, each AM, FM, and TV broadcast station shall maintain a main
   studio at one of the following locations:

   (1) Within the station's community of license;

   (2) At any location within the principal community contour of any AM,
   FM, or TV broadcast station licensed to the station's community of
   license; or

   (3) Within twenty-five miles from the reference coordinates of the
   center of its community of license as described in §  73.208(a)(1).

   Note to paragraph ( a ): The principal community contour of AM stations
   that simulcast on a frequency in the 535-1605 kHz band and on a
   frequency in the 1605-1705 kHz band shall be the 5 mV/m contour of the
   lower band operation during the term of the simultaneous operating
   authority. Upon termination of the 535-1605 kHz band portion of the
   dual frequency operation, the principal community contour shall become
   the 5 mV/m of the remaining operation in the 1605-1705 kHz band.

   (b) The following stations are not required to maintain their main
   studio at the locations described in paragraph (a) of this section.

   (1) AM stations licensed as synchronous amplifier transmitters ("AM
   boosters") or,

   (2) AM, FM, or TV stations, when good cause exists for locating the
   main studio at a location other than that described in paragraph (a) of
   this section, and when so doing would be consistent with the operation
   of the station in the public interest.

   (c) Each Class A television station shall maintain a main studio at a
   location within the station's predicted Grade B contour, as defined in
   §  73.683 and calculated using the method specified in §  73.684. With
   respect to a group of commonly controlled stations, Class A stations
   whose predicted Grade B contours are physically contiguous to each
   other may locate their main studio within any of these contours. If a
   Class A station is one of a group of commonly controlled Class A
   stations, but its predicted Grade B contour is not physically
   contiguous to that of another Class A station in the commonly owned
   group, its main studio shall be located within its own predicted Grade
   B contour. Alternatively, a Class A television station shall maintain a
   main studio at the site used by the station as of November 29, 1999.

   (d) Relocation of the main studio may be made:

   (1) From one point to another within the locations described in
   paragraph (a) or (c) of this section, or from a point outside the
   locations specified in paragraph (a) or (c) to one within those
   locations, without specific FCC authority, but notification to the FCC
   in Washington shall be made promptly.

   (2) Written authority to locate a main studio outside the locations
   specified in paragraph (a) or (c) of this section for the first time
   must be obtained from the Audio Division, Media Bureau for AM and FM
   stations, or the Video Division for TV and Class A television stations
   before the studio may be moved to that location. Where the main studio
   is already authorized at a location outside those specified in
   paragraph (a) or (c) of this section, and the licensee or permittee
   desires to specify a new location also located outside those locations,
   written authority must also be received from the Commission prior to
   the relocation of the main studio. Authority for these changes may be
   requested by filing a letter with an explanation of the proposed
   changes with the appropriate division. Licensees or permittees should
   also be aware that the filing of such a letter request does not imply
   approval of the relocation request, because each request is addressed
   on a case-by-case basis. A filing fee is required for commercial AM,
   FM, TV or Class A TV licensees or permittees filing a letter request
   under the section (see §  1.1104 of this chapter).

   (e) Each AM, FM, TV and Class A TV broadcast station shall maintain a
   local telephone number in its community of license or a toll-free

   [ 63 FR 49497 , Sept. 16, 1998, as amended at  65 FR 30003 , May 10, 2000;
    66 FR 21690 , May 1, 2001;  67 FR 13232 , Mar. 21, 2002]

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Goto Section: 73.1120 | 73.1150

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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