Goto Section: 73.1750 | 73.1820 | Table of Contents

FCC 73.1800
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  73.1800   General requirements related to the station log.

   (a) The licensee of each station must maintain a station log as
   required by §  73.1820. This log shall be kept by station employees
   competent to do so, having actual knowledge of the facts required. All
   entries, whether required or not by the provisions of this part, must
   accurately reflect the station operation. Any employee making a log
   entry shall sign the log, thereby attesting to the fact that the entry,
   or any correction or addition made thereto, is an accurate
   representation of what transpired.

   (b) The logs shall be kept in an orderly and legible manner, in
   suitable form and in such detail that the data required for the
   particular class of station concerned are readily available. Key
   letters or abbreviations may be used if the proper meaning or
   explanation is contained elsewhere in the log. Each sheet must be
   numbered and dated. Time entries must be made in local time and must be
   indicated as advanced (e.g., EDT) or non-advanced (e.g., EST) time.

   (c) Any necessary corrections of a manually kept log after it has been
   signed in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section shall be made
   only by striking out the erroneous portion and making a corrective
   explanation on the log or attachment to it. Such corrections shall be
   dated and signed by the person who kept the log or the station chief
   operator, the station manager or an officer of the licensee.

   (d) No automatically kept log shall be altered in any way after entries
   have been recorded. When automatic logging processes fail or
   malfunction, the log must be kept manually for that period and in
   accordance with the requirements of this section.

   (e) No log, or portion thereof, shall be erased, obliterated or
   willfully destroyed during the period in which it is required to be
   retained. (Section 73.1840, Retention of logs.)

   (f) Application forms for licenses and other authorizations may require
   that certain technical operating data be supplied. These application
   forms should be kept in mind in connection with the maintenance of the
   station log.

   [ 43 FR 45850 , Oct. 4, 1978, as amended at  48 FR 38481 , Aug. 24, 1983;
    48 FR 44806 , Sept. 30, 1983;  49 FR 14509 , Apr. 12, 1984;  49 FR 33663 ,
   Aug. 24, 1984;  50 FR 40016 , Oct. 1, 1985]

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Goto Section: 73.1750 | 73.1820

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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