Goto Section: 73.404 | 73.503 | Table of Contents

FCC 73.501
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  73.501   Channels available for assignment.

   (a) The following frequencies, except as provided in paragraph (b) of
   this section, are available for noncommercial educational FM
   Frequency (MHz) Channel No.
   87.9                 ^1 200
   88.1                    201
   88.3                    202
   88.5                    203
   88.7                    204
   88.9                    205
   89.1                 ^2 206
   89.3                    207
   89.5                    208
   89.7                    209
   89.9                    210
   90.1                    211
   90.3                    212
   90.5                    213
   90.7                    214
   90.9                    215
   91.1                    216
   91.3                    217
   91.5                    218
   91.7                    219
   91.9                    220

   ^1 The frequency 87.9 MHz, Channel 200, is available only for use of
   existing Class D stations required to change frequency. It is available
   only on a noninterference basis with respect to TV Channel 6 stations
   and adjacent channel noncommercial educational FM stations. It is not
   available at all within 402 kilometers (250 miles) of Canada and 320
   kilometers (199 miles) of Mexico. The specific standards governing its
   use are contained in §  73.512.

   ^2 The frequency 89.1 MHz, Channel 206, in the New York City
   metropolitan area, is reserved for the use of the United Nations with
   the equivalent of an antenna height of 150 meters (492 feet) above
   average terrain and effective radiated power of 20 kW and the
   Commission will make no assignments which would cause objectionable
   interference with such use.

   (b) In Alaska, FM broadcast stations operating on Channels 200-220
   (87.9-91.9 MHz) shall not cause harmful interference to and must accept
   interference from non-Government fixed operations authorized prior to
   January 1, 1982.

   (Secs. 4, 5, 303, 48 Stat., as amended, 1066, 1068, 1082 (47 U.S.C.
   154, 155, 303))

   [ 43 FR 39715 , Sept. 6, 1978, as amended at  47 FR 30068 , July 12, 1982;
    52 FR 43765 , Nov. 16, 1987;  58 FR 44950 , Aug. 25, 1993]

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Goto Section: 73.404 | 73.503

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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