Goto Section: 73.57 | 73.61 | Table of Contents

FCC 73.58
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  73.58   Indicating instruments.

   (a) Each AM broadcast station must be equipped with indicating
   instruments which conform with the specifications described in
   §  73.1215 for determining power by the direct and indirect methods,
   and with such other instruments as are necessary for the proper
   adjustment, operation, and maintenance of the transmitting system.
   However, auxiliary transmitters with a nominal power rating of 100
   watts or less are not required to be equipped with instruments to
   determine power by the indirect method provided that the licensee can
   determine the antenna input power at all times.

   (b) Since it is usually impractical to measure the actual antenna
   current of a shunt excited antenna system, the current measured at the
   input of the excitation circuit feed line is accepted as the antenna

   (c) The function of each instrument shall be clearly and permanently
   shown on the instrument itself or on the panel immediately adjacent

   (d) In the event that any one of these indicating instruments becomes
   defective when no substitute which conforms with the required
   specifications is available, the station may be operated without the
   defective instrument pending its repair or replacement for a period not
   in excess of 60 days without further authority of the Commission. If
   the defective instrument is the antenna current meter of a
   nondirectional station which does not employ a remote antenna ammeter,
   or if the defective instrument is the common point meter of a station
   which employs a directional antenna and does not employ a remote common
   point meter, the operating power shall be determined by a method
   described in §  73.51(a)(1) or §  73.51(d) during the entire time the
   station is operated without the antenna current meter or common point
   meter. However, if a remote meter is employed and the antenna current
   ammeter or common point meter becomes defective, the remote meter can
   be used to determine operating power pending the return to service of
   the regular meter.

   (e) If conditions beyond the control of the licensee prevent the
   restoration of the meter to service within the above allowed period,
   information requested in accordance with §  73.3549 may be filed by
   letter with the FCC in Washington, DC, Attention: Audio Division, Media
   Bureau, to request additional time as may be required to complete
   repairs of the defective instrument.

   [ 41 FR 36817 , Sept. 1, 1976, as amended at  48 FR 38477 , Aug. 24, 1983;
    49 FR 49850 , Dec. 24, 1984;  50 FR 32416 , Aug. 12, 1985;  51 FR 2707 ,
   Jan. 21, 1986;  53 FR 2498 , Jan. 28, 1988;  63 FR 33876 , June 22, 1998;
    66 FR 20755 , Apr. 25, 2001;  67 FR 13231 , Mar. 21, 2002]

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Goto Section: 73.57 | 73.61

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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