Goto Section: 73.669 | 73.671 | Table of Contents

FCC 73.670
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  73.670   Commercial limits in children's programs.

   (a) No commercial television broadcast station licensee shall air more
   than 10.5 minutes of commercial matter per hour during children's
   programming on weekends, or more than 12 minutes of commercial matter
   per hour on weekdays.

   (b) The display of Internet Web site addresses during program material
   or promotional material not counted as commercial time is permitted
   only if the Web site:

   (1) Offers a substantial amount of bona fide program-related or other
   noncommercial content;

   (2) Is not primarily intended for commercial purposes, including either
   e-commerce or advertising;

   (3) The Web site's home page and other menu pages are clearly labeled
   to distinguish the noncommercial from the commercial sections; and

   (4) The page of the Web site to which viewers are directed by the Web
   site address is not used for e-commerce, advertising, or other
   commercial purposes (e.g., contains no links labeled "store" and no
   links to another page with commercial material).

   (c) If an Internet address for a Web site that does not meet the test
   in paragraph (b) of this section is displayed during a promotion in a
   children's program, in addition to counting against the commercial time
   limits in paragraph (a) of this section the promotion must be clearly
   separated from program material.

   (d)(1) Entities subject to commercial time limits under the Children's
   Television Act shall not display a Web site address during or adjacent
   to a program if, at that time, on pages that are primarily devoted to
   free noncommercial content regarding that specific program or a
   character appearing in that program:

   (i) Products are sold that feature a character appearing in that
   program; or

   (ii) A character appearing in that program is used to actively sell

   (2) The requirements of this paragraph do not apply to:

   (i) Third-party sites linked from the companies' Web pages;

   (ii) On-air third-party advertisements with Web site references to
   third-party Web sites; or

   (iii) Pages that are primarily devoted to multiple characters from
   multiple programs.

   Note 1: Commercial matter means air time sold for purposes of selling a
   product or service and promotions of television programs or video
   programming services other than children's or other age-appropriate
   programming appearing on the same channel or promotions for children's
   educational and informational programming on any channel.

   Note 2: For purposes of this section, children's programming refers to
   programs originally produced and broadcast primarily for an audience of
   children 12 years old and younger.

   [ 70 FR 36 , Jan. 3, 2005, as amended at  71 FR 64164 , Nov. 1, 2006]

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Goto Section: 73.669 | 73.671

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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