Goto Section: 74.882 | 74.1202 | Table of Contents

FCC 74.1201
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  74.1201   Definitions.

   (a) FM translator. A station in the broadcasting service operated for
   the purpose of retransmitting the signals of an AM or FM radio
   broadcast station or another FM broadcast translator station without
   significantly altering any characteristics of the incoming signal other
   than its frequency and amplitude, in order to provide radio broadcast
   service to the general public.

   (b) Commercial FM translator. An FM broadcast translator station which
   rebroadcasts the signals of a commercial AM or FM radio broadcast

   (c) Noncommercial FM translator. An FM broadcast translator station
   which rebroadcasts the signals of a noncommercial educational AM or FM
   radio broadcast station.

   (d) Primary station. The AM or FM radio broadcast station radiating the
   signals which are retransmitted by an FM broadcast translator station
   or an FM broadcast booster station.

   (e) AM or FM radio broadcast station. When used in this Subpart L, the
   term AM broadcast station or AM radio broadcast station or FM broadcast
   station or FM radio broadcast station refers to commercial and
   noncommercial educational AM or FM radio broadcast stations as defined
   in §  2.1 of this chapter, unless the context indicates otherwise.

   (f) FM broadcast booster station. A station in the broadcasting service
   operated for the sole purpose of retransmitting the signals of an FM
   radio broadcast station, by amplifying and reradiating such signals,
   without significantly altering any characteristic of the incoming
   signal other than its amplitude.

   (g) Translator coverage contour. For a fill-in FM translator
   rebroadcasting an FM radio broadcast station as its primary station,
   the FM translator's coverage contour must be contained within the
   primary station's coverage contour. For purposes of this rule section,
   the coverage contour of the FM translator has the same field strength
   value as the protected contour of the primary FM station ( i.e., for a
   commercial Class B FM station it is the predicted 0.5 mV/m field
   strength contour, for a commercial Class B1 FM station it is the
   predicted 0.7 mV/m field strength contour, and for all other classes of
   FM stations it is the predicted 1 mV/m field strength contour). The
   coverage contour of an FM translator rebroadcasting an AM radio
   broadcast station as its primary station must be contained within the
   lesser of the 2 mV/m daytime contour of the AM station and a 25-mile
   (40 km) radius centered at the AM transmitter site. The protected
   contour for an FM translator station is its predicted 1 mV/m contour.

   (h) Fill-in area. The area where the coverage contour of an FM
   translator or booster station is within the protected contour of the
   associated primary station ( i.e., predicted 0.5 mV/m contour for
   commercial Class B stations, predicted 0.7 mV/m contour for commercial
   Class B1 stations, and predicted 1 mV/m contour for all other classes
   of stations).

   (i) Other area. The area where the coverage contour of an FM translator
   station extends beyond the protected contour of the primary station (
   i.e., predicted 0.5 mV/m contour for commercial Class B stations,
   predicted 0.7 mV/m contour for commercial Class B1 stations, and
   predicted 1 mV/m contour for all other classes of stations).

   (j) AM Fill-in area. The area within the lesser of the 2 mV/m daytime
   contour of the AM radio broadcast station being rebroadcast and a
   25-mile (40 km) radius centered at the AM transmitter site.

   [ 35 FR 15388 , Oct. 2, 1970, as amended at  45 FR 37842 , June 5, 1980;  52 FR 31405 , Aug. 20, 1987;  55 FR 50693 , Dec. 10, 1990;  74 FR 45129 , Sept.
   1, 2009]

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Goto Section: 74.882 | 74.1202

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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